Emergent Mind

Automatic Programming: Large Language Models and Beyond

Published May 3, 2024 in cs.SE , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Automatic programming has seen increasing popularity due to the emergence of tools like GitHub Copilot which rely on LLMs. At the same time, automatically generated code faces challenges during deployment due to concerns around quality and trust. In this article, we study automated coding in a general sense and study the concerns around code quality, security and related issues of programmer responsibility. These are key issues for organizations while deciding on the usage of automatically generated code. We discuss how advances in software engineering such as program repair and analysis can enable automatic programming. We conclude with a forward looking view, focusing on the programming environment of the near future, where programmers may need to switch to different roles to fully utilize the power of automatic programming. Automated repair of automatically generated programs from LLMs, can help produce higher assurance code from LLMs, along with evidence of assurance

The figure depicts the automated repair process for automatically generated code.


  • Automatic programming utilizes AI advancements to generate code from high-level specifications, aiming to minimize manual coding efforts and enhance software development efficiency.

  • Challenges in automatic programming include ensuring the correctness and quality of generated code, addressing security vulnerabilities, and managing developer responsibility and trust in auto-generated code.

  • The emergence of LLMs like GitHub Copilot has revolutionized automatic programming by enabling the generation of syntactically correct code from natural language, though this advancement necessitates rigorous validation to uphold code standards.

Unveiling the Potential and Challenges of Automatic Programming

Introduction to Automatic Programming

Automatic programming has emerged as a significant area of interest due to the potential efficiencies it offers in the software development lifecycle. This facet of software engineering leverages advancements in AI to generate code from high-level specifications, significantly reducing manual coding efforts.

Challenges in Automatic Programming

Automatic programming is not without its challenges. The primary hurdles include:

  • Correctness and Quality of Generated Code: Ensuring the generated code accurately reflects user intentions and is free from bugs remains a major concern. This is particularly critical because incorrect code can lead to costly errors in software applications.
  • Security Concerns: Automatically generated code may introduce security vulnerabilities if not properly vetted. This is especially prominent in code generated through learned models, which may inadvertently learn and replicate patterns from vulnerable code.
  • Programmer Responsibility and Trust: There is an ongoing debate about the responsibility for errors in automatically generated code. Trusting automatically generated code enough to integrate it seamlessly into production environments poses another layer of complexity.

The Role of LLMs

The use of LLMs in automatic programming has been a game-changer, particularly illustrated by tools like GitHub Copilot. These models can generate code snippets on the fly, transforming natural language commands into syntactically correct code. However, trusting this code requires rigorous validation to ensure it meets quality and security standards.

Practical Implications of Research

From a practical standpoint, the research highlights substantial implications:

  • Enhanced Development Efficiency: Automatic programming tools can significantly accelerate the development process by automating routine coding tasks, allowing developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of software development.
  • Need for Enhanced Validation Tools: As organizations increasingly adopt auto-generated code, the demand for sophisticated validation tools that can automatically check the correctness and security of generated code will rise.
  • Shift in Developer Roles: Developers might see a transition in their roles from writing every line of code to overseeing and verifying auto-generated code, tweaking it for customization and optimization.

Future Directions in AI and Programming

Looking ahead, the field of automatic programming is set to evolve in several exciting directions:

  • Integrating AI Deeper into Development Tools: Future development environments might include more deeply integrated AI capabilities, offering suggestions and generating code in real-time as developers outline their logic.
  • Advancement in AI Models: Future models are likely to be more adept at understanding context and generating more complex code structures, further reducing the need for manual coding.
  • Hybrid Programming Environments: We might see an increase in environments where AI-generated code and human-written code coexist, with tools to seamlessly integrate and validate contributions from both sources.


As we continue to integrate AI into software development processes, automatic programming stands out as a promising area with the potential to redefine traditional programming roles and accelerate the software development lifecycle. Nonetheless, addressing the challenges of code quality, security, and trust will be critical to realizing the full potential of automatic programming technologies.

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