Emergent Mind


Recent developments in adversarial machine learning have highlighted the importance of building robust AI systems to protect against increasingly sophisticated attacks. While frameworks like AI Guardian are designed to defend against these threats, they often rely on assumptions that can limit their effectiveness. For example, they may assume attacks only come from one direction or include adversarial images in their training data. Our proposal suggests a different approach to the AI Guardian framework. Instead of including adversarial examples in the training process, we propose training the AI system without them. This aims to create a system that is inherently resilient to a wider range of attacks. Our method focuses on a dynamic defense strategy using stable diffusion that learns continuously and models threats comprehensively. We believe this approach can lead to a more generalized and robust defense against adversarial attacks. In this paper, we outline our proposed approach, including the theoretical basis, experimental design, and expected impact on improving AI security against adversarial threats.

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