Emergent Mind


Imitation learning is a promising paradigm for training robot control policies, but these policies can suffer from distribution shift, where the conditions at evaluation time differ from those in the training data. A popular approach for increasing policy robustness to distribution shift is interactive imitation learning (i.e., DAgger and variants), where a human operator provides corrective interventions during policy rollouts. However, collecting a sufficient amount of interventions to cover the distribution of policy mistakes can be burdensome for human operators. We propose IntervenGen (I-Gen), a novel data generation system that can autonomously produce a large set of corrective interventions with rich coverage of the state space from a small number of human interventions. We apply I-Gen to 4 simulated environments and 1 physical environment with object pose estimation error and show that it can increase policy robustness by up to 39x with only 10 human interventions. Videos and more results are available at https://sites.google.com/view/intervengen2024.

Example showing how I-Gen generates a new intervention by adapting human inputs to robot mistakes.


  • IntervenGen (I-Gen) is a new system designed to improve robot learning by synthesizing large datasets from a small number of human-corrected interventions to represent potential errors under varied conditions.

  • I-Gen enhances robot resilience to errors using generated data based on limited interventions, significantly outperforming traditional methods that rely on greater volumes of direct human data.

  • The system reduces human effort and costs in robot training, while increasing robustness to real-world imperfections such as sensor errors and incorrect modeling assumptions.

Exploring IntervenGen: Automatic Generation of Interventional Data

Overview of IntervenGen

IntervenGen, or I-Gen, is a novel system crafted to tackle a prevalent challenge in robot learning: how to effectively and efficiently correct robotics policies, particularly when they err due to observational inaccuracies. The core idea of I-Gen revolves around using a relatively small number of human-corrected interventions to synthetically generate a broad dataset that represents various mistakes a robot might encounter while operating under different sensory errors or environmental changes.

The Problem with Current Imitation Learning Methods

Typically, robotic policies are trained through Imitation Learning (IL), where a robot learns to mimic human-performed tasks. However, such models often struggle when faced with scenarios that slightly deviate from their training conditions—a problem known as 'distribution shift'. For instance, even slight inaccuracies in sensory data like object positioning can lead to substantial errors in task execution.

Collecting enough varied data through human teleoperation or interventions to cover potential mistakes can be time-consuming, costly, and exhausting. Although one could generate more data using interactive IL techniques (where humans correct the robot as it operates), this method substantially increases the human effort involved.

How I-Gen Innovatively Addresses This Issue

Exploiting Small Intervention Sets for Broad Learning: I-Gen starts with a limited number of human interventions, utilizing each to synthesize a vast range of potential error scenarios in which these interventions could apply. This synthetic generation happens across different scene settings and assumed robot mistakes, significantly amplifying the utility of each human-provided example.

Performance Metrics and Benefits: In tests involving high-precision manipulation tasks, robots trained with I-Gen enhanced their robustness to errors by up to 39 times with merely 10 human-derived interventions. Policies using I-Gen data outperformed those trained with over ten times more direct human intervention data, showing both effectiveness and efficiency.

Reduction in Human Effort: Robots utilizing I-Gen required only a fraction of the human interaction time compared to those relying on extensive interactive IL procedures. This reduction not only cuts costs but also speeds up the overall training process.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The introduction of I-Gen offers both practical implementations for current robot systems and stimulates further theoretical pondering within IL paradigms. The method's ability to stretch minimal intervention data into extensive and varied training datasets could revolutionize how robotic policies are trained across many applications, from manufacturing to autonomous navigation.

One of the key theoretical impacts comes from the system's ability to handle intrinsic errors like sensor noise and incorrect model assumptions—common hurdles in real-world robotics applications. By augmenting the typically human-reliant correction phase with synthetic data generation, I-Gen could also promote more robust algorithm developments that accommodate real-world imperfections more gracefully.

Speculating on Future Developments

Looking ahead, I-Gen could pioneer more adaptive and resilient robotic systems capable of learning from minimal human feedback and more capable of handling real-world unpredictability. Its application could also broaden into more complex tasks involving soft or deformable objects, or high-stakes environments such as surgical robotics or disaster response, where error margins are critically low.

Integration with other learning paradigms, like reinforcement learning, might also yield interesting synergies, especially in domain adaptation and transfer learning scenarios. How I-Gen and similar systems evolve could pave the way for more autonomous systems capable of self-correction and adaptation in dynamic environments, significantly decreasing the reliance on human-generated training data.


I-Gen not only provides a technical solution to a longstanding problem in robotics but also opens avenues for more sustainable and scalable robot learning processes. As we continue to push the boundaries of what autonomous systems can achieve, innovations like I-Gen are crucial for ensuring these systems perform reliably and efficiently in the multifaceted and often unpredictable real world.

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