Emergent Mind

Uncertainty for Active Learning on Graphs

Published May 2, 2024 in cs.LG


Uncertainty Sampling is an Active Learning strategy that aims to improve the data efficiency of machine learning models by iteratively acquiring labels of data points with the highest uncertainty. While it has proven effective for independent data its applicability to graphs remains under-explored. We propose the first extensive study of Uncertainty Sampling for node classification: (1) We benchmark Uncertainty Sampling beyond predictive uncertainty and highlight a significant performance gap to other Active Learning strategies. (2) We develop ground-truth Bayesian uncertainty estimates in terms of the data generating process and prove their effectiveness in guiding Uncertainty Sampling toward optimal queries. We confirm our results on synthetic data and design an approximate approach that consistently outperforms other uncertainty estimators on real datasets. (3) Based on this analysis, we relate pitfalls in modeling uncertainty to existing methods. Our analysis enables and informs the development of principled uncertainty estimation on graphs.


  • Active Learning (AL) optimizes training data selection in machine learning, focusing on data points that enhance model performance the most. Uncertainty Sampling (US) particularly zeros in on points where the model’s predictions are least certain.

  • The paper finds that the application of US in graph-based data, such as node classification, involves complexities not found in traditional i.i.d. datasets. It proposes a method to separate irreducible (aleatoric) and reducible (epistemic) uncertainties to refine US techniques.

  • The research contrasts various traditional and novel US strategies via benchmarking tests and develops Bayesian models to directly target reducible uncertainties, revealing that focusing on epistemic uncertainty can enhance model efficacy in data-sparse environments.

Exploring Uncertainty in Active Learning for Node Classification on Graphs

Introduction to Uncertainty Sampling (US) in Active Learning (AL)

Active Learning is a strategy in machine learning that aims to optimize the training data used to train models by specifically selecting the most informative instances. This technique can save resources, such as time and computational costs, particularly when labeling data is expensive or time-consuming.

One commonly used strategy within AL is Uncertainty Sampling (US). The idea behind US is to prioritize acquiring labels for data points that the model is most unsure about. For instance, in node classification tasks on graphs, this involves choosing nodes whose labels, when revealed, are expected to bring the most significant gains in model performance.

Addressing the Challenges in Uncertainty Sampling for Graphs

While US has shown significant benefits in scenarios involving independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data, its application in graph-based data is less explored and potentially more complex. Existing literature on AL for graphs has often neglected the granular differences between types of uncertainties—aleatoric (irreducible) and epistemic (reducible)—and their impacts on model learning.

The paper introduces a methodological study to distinguish and quantify these types of uncertainties within the context of graph-based node classification. By doing so, it aims to enhance the effectiveness of US by focusing on reducible uncertainty, which can conceptually return more informative insights when a node's label is revealed.

Key Contributions and Findings

Benchmarking Novel and Traditional Active Learning Strategies:

  • The study presents a comprehensive benchmark comparing traditional AL methods and advanced uncertainty estimation strategies.
  • The results show that most uncertainty estimators, including both novel and established methods, do not consistently outperform simple random sampling.

Development of Ground-Truth Bayesian Uncertainty Estimates:

  • Ground-truth Bayesian models for aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties are derived, guiding the development of more effective US strategies by allowing a direct focus on uncertainties that are actually reducible.
  • Experimentation on both synthetic and real-world data confirms the theoretical advantages of focusing on epistemic uncertainty in graphs.

Dissecting the Failures of Conventional Approaches:

  • Analysis highlights that current models fail to effectively disentangle the two forms of uncertainty, which leads to suboptimal query decisions in AL.
  • This disentanglement is crucial as it helps in focusing resources on learning the most learnable parts of the data.

Implications and Future Directions

  • Practical Implications: The insights from this study could significantly enhance the data efficiency of machine learning models, especially in scenarios where labeled data are scarce or expensive to obtain.

  • Future Research: The paper sets the stage for future work on developing more sophisticated uncertainty estimators that can further exploit the theoretical findings. There is also potential to extend these ideas beyond node classification to other types of graph-based learning tasks.

In concluding, while the current approaches in uncertainty sampling for graphs show limitations, focusing on refining and effectively applying concepts such as epistemic uncertainty introduces a promising avenue for making AL more powerful and data-efficient in complex interconnected data structures like graphs. Incorporating the understanding of data generative processes in AL estimations aligns theoretically and practically, as supported by the empirical evaluations presented in this research.

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