Emergent Mind


For recent diffusion-based generative models, maintaining consistent content across a series of generated images, especially those containing subjects and complex details, presents a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose a new way of self-attention calculation, termed Consistent Self-Attention, that significantly boosts the consistency between the generated images and augments prevalent pretrained diffusion-based text-to-image models in a zero-shot manner. To extend our method to long-range video generation, we further introduce a novel semantic space temporal motion prediction module, named Semantic Motion Predictor. It is trained to estimate the motion conditions between two provided images in the semantic spaces. This module converts the generated sequence of images into videos with smooth transitions and consistent subjects that are significantly more stable than the modules based on latent spaces only, especially in the context of long video generation. By merging these two novel components, our framework, referred to as StoryDiffusion, can describe a text-based story with consistent images or videos encompassing a rich variety of contents. The proposed StoryDiffusion encompasses pioneering explorations in visual story generation with the presentation of images and videos, which we hope could inspire more research from the aspect of architectural modifications. Our code is made publicly available at https://github.com/HVision-NKU/StoryDiffusion.

StoryDiffusion pipeline generates subject-consistent images using Consistent Self-Attention in text-to-image diffusion models.


  • StoryDiffusion introduces innovative AI techniques for creating consistent, high-quality image and video sequences from textual descriptions, focusing on maintaining character identity and smooth transitions.

  • The method uses Consistent Self-Attention to ensure characters remain uniform across a sequence of images, and a Semantic Motion Predictor to enhance the fluidity and realism of transitions in videos.

  • Potential applications include digital storytelling, educational content, and pre-visualizations in creative industries, with future developments likely to expand AI-driven content creation capabilities.

Enhancing Visual Storytelling with AI: Insights from the StoryDiffusion Approach

StoryDiffusion: Enhancing Text-to-Image and Video Consistency

In a fascinating development in the field of AI-generated visuals, a new technique known as StoryDiffusion introduces innovative methods to tackle the challenging task of creating consistent, high-quality image and video sequences from textual descriptions. The main thrust of this method is its two key components: Consistent Self-Attention and Semantic Motion Predictor.

Consistent Self-Attention

  • Purpose: The primary goal of Consistent Self-Attention is to maintain the identity and attire of characters throughout a series of generated images, crucial for coherent visual storytelling.
  • How it Works: This mechanism operates by sampling features from different images within a batch and using these features to guide the self-attention process in the generation of each image. This ensures that characteristics like the appearance of characters are maintained consistently across the sequence of images.
  • Zero-shot Learning: Remarkably, this approach requires no additional training or fine-tuning. It plugs seamlessly into existing models, leveraging their learned weights effectively.

Semantic Motion Predictor

  • Challenge Addressed: Transitioning smoothly between images in video generation, especially over longer sequences, poses a substantial challenge.
  • Novel Strategy: Unlike typical methods that predict intermediate frames based solely on latent image features, Semantic Motion Predictor tackles this by working in a semantic space. It uses a pre-trained Clip image encoder to convert images into a semantic format before predicting the transitional states.
  • Outcome: By focusing on semantic details, this predictor manages to create transitions that are not only smoother but also more logically coherent with the starting and ending frames, thus enhancing the video's overall fluidity and realism.

Practical Applications and Implications

StoryDiffusion's novel components open up exciting possibilities:

  • Digital Storytelling: Enhanced consistency in characters and settings can significantly improve the quality of visual narratives, making them more engaging and easier to follow.
  • Educational Content: In educational settings, consistent and clear visual content is crucial for maintaining engagement and understanding. StoryDiffusion can be used to create educational videos that maintain continuity in visual themes.
  • Creative Industries: The film and animation industries could use these techniques to draft visual storyboards or generate pre-visualizations for projects, saving time and resources in the creative process.

Speculations on Future Development

The introduction of zero-shot, plug-and-play components like these in diffusion models could herald a new phase of AI-driven content creation where customization and consistency are achieved more effortlessly. Future advancements might include further fine-tuning of these methods to handle even more complex sequences and interactions within stories, potentially integrating other forms of media to create mixed-media narratives.


StoryDiffusion represents a significant stride forward in the generation of coherent visual stories from text. Its innovative use of Consistent Self-Attention for image consistency and Semantic Motion Predictor for smooth video transitions sets a new bar for what's possible in the realm of AI-enabled content creation. The ability to generate long, coherent video narratives from textual descriptions without extensive computational overhead could greatly expand both creative and practical applications of AI in various fields. As this technology continues to evolve, we may soon see AI playing a bigger role in content creation, offering tools that empower creators while enhancing the viewer's experience with rich, consistent storytelling.

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