Emergent Mind


This paper investigates the use of LLMs for automating the generation of hardware description code, aiming to explore their potential in supporting and enhancing the development of efficient neuromorphic computing architectures. Building on our prior work, we employ OpenAI's ChatGPT4 and natural language prompts to synthesize a RTL Verilog module of a programmable recurrent spiking neural network, while also generating test benches to assess the system's correctness. The resultant design was validated in three case studies, the exclusive OR,the IRIS flower classification and the MNIST hand-written digit classification, achieving accuracies of up to 96.6%. To verify its synthesizability and implementability, the design was prototyped on a field-programmable gate array and implemented on SkyWater 130 nm technology by using an open-source electronic design automation flow. Additionally, we have submitted it to Tiny Tapeout 6 chip fabrication program to further evaluate the system on-chip performance in the future.

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