Emergent Mind

Position Paper: Beyond Robustness Against Single Attack Types

Published May 2, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.CR


Current research on defending against adversarial examples focuses primarily on achieving robustness against a single attack type such as $\ell2$ or $\ell{\infty}$-bounded attacks. However, the space of possible perturbations is much larger and currently cannot be modeled by a single attack type. The discrepancy between the focus of current defenses and the space of attacks of interest calls to question the practicality of existing defenses and the reliability of their evaluation. In this position paper, we argue that the research community should look beyond single attack robustness, and we draw attention to three potential directions involving robustness against multiple attacks: simultaneous multiattack robustness, unforeseen attack robustness, and a newly defined problem setting which we call continual adaptive robustness. We provide a unified framework which rigorously defines these problem settings, synthesize existing research in these fields, and outline open directions. We hope that our position paper inspires more research in simultaneous multiattack, unforeseen attack, and continual adaptive robustness.

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