Emergent Mind


Programming recurrent spiking neural networks (RSNNs) to robustly perform multi-timescale computation remains a difficult challenge. To address this, we show how the distributed approach offered by vector symbolic architectures (VSAs), which uses high-dimensional random vectors as the smallest units of representation, can be leveraged to embed robust multi-timescale dynamics into attractor-based RSNNs. We embed finite state machines into the RSNN dynamics by superimposing a symmetric autoassociative weight matrix and asymmetric transition terms. The transition terms are formed by the VSA binding of an input and heteroassociative outer-products between states. Our approach is validated through simulations with highly non-ideal weights; an experimental closed-loop memristive hardware setup; and on Loihi 2, where it scales seamlessly to large state machines. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of VSA representations for embedding robust computation with recurrent dynamics into neuromorphic hardware, without requiring parameter fine-tuning or significant platform-specific optimisation. This advances VSAs as a high-level representation-invariant abstract language for cognitive algorithms in neuromorphic hardware.

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