Emergent Mind

SynFlowNet: Towards Molecule Design with Guaranteed Synthesis Pathways

Published May 2, 2024 in cs.LG and q-bio.BM


Recent breakthroughs in generative modelling have led to a number of works proposing molecular generation models for drug discovery. While these models perform well at capturing drug-like motifs, they are known to often produce synthetically inaccessible molecules. This is because they are trained to compose atoms or fragments in a way that approximates the training distribution, but they are not explicitly aware of the synthesis constraints that come with making molecules in the lab. To address this issue, we introduce SynFlowNet, a GFlowNet model whose action space uses chemically validated reactions and reactants to sequentially build new molecules. We evaluate our approach using synthetic accessibility scores and an independent retrosynthesis tool. SynFlowNet consistently samples synthetically feasible molecules, while still being able to find diverse and high-utility candidates. Furthermore, we compare molecules designed with SynFlowNet to experimentally validated actives, and find that they show comparable properties of interest, such as molecular weight, SA score and predicted protein binding affinity.

SynFlowNet generates molecules using purchasable blocks and reactions; policy and transitions are modeled with machine learning techniques.


  • The paper introduces SynFlowNet, a novel AI model based on GFlowNets that integrates synthetic feasibility into the generative modeling of molecules, ensuring that proposed molecules can be synthesized using available chemical reactions.

  • SynFlowNet incorporates a reaction-based action space to guide molecule generation from basic structures to complex ones through realistic chemical reactions, enhancing the practicality and viability of generated molecules.

  • The model has shown promising results in generating diverse, novel molecules with favorable synthetic accessibility scores, and has potential applications in streamlining the drug discovery process by reducing the gap between theoretical molecule design and practical synthesis.

Exploring SynFlowNet: A Novel Approach to Synthesis-Aware Molecular Design

Understanding the SynFlowNet Model

With the advancement of AI in drug discovery, the ability to generate novel molecular structures efficiently and effectively is paramount. One of the significant limitations of existing generative models is their tendency to propose molecules that, although theoretically interesting, may be impossible to synthesize in the laboratory setting. This challenge is at the core of the paper I'm discussing today, where the introduction of SynFlowNet, a GFlowNet-based approach, marks a shift towards integrating synthetic feasibility into the generative modeling processes.

The Synthesis Accessibility Challenge

The concept here pivots on not just conceiving new molecules but ensuring that these molecules can indeed be synthesized with current chemical reactions using available materials. Most traditional generative models might impress with the novelty of the structures they come up with or their theoretical properties, but they fall short when it comes to actual, practical synthesis.

SynFlowNet's Advantage: This model directly incorporates chemical reactions into its generative process, which ensures every output is synthetically viable — a considerable advantage over conventional models that merely focus on mimicking molecular patterns learned from data.

Core Methodology

At the heart of SynFlowNet is the use of GFlowNets to guide the generation of molecules through a sequence of realistic chemical reactions, starting from commercially available compounds. This method represents a more practical approach than other models that might generate molecules requiring complex or unknown synthesis paths.

  • The use of GFlowNets helps in maintaining diversity among the generated molecules. It balances the exploration across various synthetic possibilities rather than converging prematurely on a narrow set of high-reward options.
  • The model is fundamentally built around a reaction-based action space rather than mere molecular fragments. This ensures that every theoretically proposed structure has a clear, feasible synthetic pathway using existing chemical reactions.

Operational Dynamics: SynFlowNet starts from basic molecular structures and incrementally builds more complex molecules by applying chemical reactions step-by-step. This progression mimics the actual synthetic processes in a lab, making each proposed molecule more than a mere theoretical construct.

Impressive Results

The model has demonstrated an ability to produce novel molecules with properties comparable to experimentally validated molecules, especially in terms of molecular weight and binding affinity, crucial metrics in therapeutic development.

  • Synthetic Accessibility Scores: SynFlowNet outputs molecules with noticeably better synthetic accessibility scores than its counterparts, affirming its practical advantage.
  • The diversity of the molecules generated remains high, reflecting the model's capacity to explore a wide chemical space despite its focus on synthetic feasibility.

Practical Implications and Future Prospects

The integration of a realistic synthetic pathway into the molecule generation process is poised to significantly streamline the drug discovery pipeline. By ensuring that each proposed molecule can be synthesized, SynFlowNet reduces the gap between theoretical design and practical usability.

Looking forward, there are exciting possibilities for expanding this model:

  1. Expanding the Reaction Space: Including a broader range of chemical reactions could further enhance the model's ability to generate a wider variety of feasible molecules.
  2. Multi-Objective Optimization: Adapting SynFlowNet to optimize for multiple properties simultaneously, such as solubility and toxicity, could make it an even more powerful tool in drug design.


SynFlowNet represents a sophisticated stride forward in the field of molecular design, bridging the gap between theoretical generative models and practical synthetic chemistry. By ensuring that each generated molecule is not only desirable for its properties but also synthesizable in the lab, this approach enhances the reliability and efficiency of drug discovery efforts, grounding them firmly in the realms of practical achievability.

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