Emergent Mind


Existing methods for creating source-grounded information-seeking dialog datasets are often costly and hard to implement due to their sole reliance on human annotators. We propose combining LLMs prompting with human expertise for more efficient and reliable data generation. Instead of the labor-intensive Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ) method, where two annotators generate a dialog from scratch, role-playing agent and user, we use LLM generation to simulate the two roles. Annotators then verify the output and augment it with attribution data. We demonstrate our method by constructing MISeD -- Meeting Information Seeking Dialogs dataset -- the first information-seeking dialog dataset focused on meeting transcripts. Models finetuned with MISeD demonstrate superior performance on our test set, as well as on a novel fully-manual WOZ test set and an existing query-based summarization benchmark, suggesting the utility of our approach.

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