Emergent Mind

Evaluating Tool-Augmented Agents in Remote Sensing Platforms

Published Apr 23, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Tool-augmented LLMs have shown impressive capabilities in remote sensing (RS) applications. However, existing benchmarks assume question-answering input templates over predefined image-text data pairs. These standalone instructions neglect the intricacies of realistic user-grounded tasks. Consider a geospatial analyst: they zoom in a map area, they draw a region over which to collect satellite imagery, and they succinctly ask "Detect all objects here". Where is here, if it is not explicitly hardcoded in the image-text template, but instead is implied by the system state, e.g., the live map positioning? To bridge this gap, we present GeoLLM-QA, a benchmark designed to capture long sequences of verbal, visual, and click-based actions on a real UI platform. Through in-depth evaluation of state-of-the-art LLMs over a diverse set of 1,000 tasks, we offer insights towards stronger agents for RS applications.

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