Emergent Mind

Is Bigger Edit Batch Size Always Better? -- An Empirical Study on Model Editing with Llama-3

Published May 1, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


This study presents a targeted model editing analysis focused on the latest large language model, Llama-3. We explore the efficacy of popular model editing techniques - ROME, MEMIT, and EMMET, which are designed for precise layer interventions. We identify the most effective layers for targeted edits through an evaluation that encompasses up to 4096 edits across three distinct strategies: sequential editing, batch editing, and a hybrid approach we call as sequential-batch editing. Our findings indicate that increasing edit batch-sizes may degrade model performance more significantly than using smaller edit batches sequentially for equal number of edits. With this, we argue that sequential model editing is an important component for scaling model editing methods and future research should focus on methods that combine both batched and sequential editing. This observation suggests a potential limitation in current model editing methods which push towards bigger edit batch sizes, and we hope it paves way for future investigations into optimizing batch sizes and model editing performance.

Figure displays results for different metrics (PS, NS, ES, S) following EMMET batch edits of varying sizes.


  • The paper examines the efficiency of various model editing techniques such as ROME, MEMIT, and EMMET in updating the Llama-3 language model, exploring their capacity to integrate new information while retaining existing knowledge.

  • It conducts experiments to identify the most effective layer for model edits and compares the impacts of batch versus sequential editing strategies on model performance using metrics like Edit Success and Paraphrase Success.

  • Findings suggest that sequential or small-batch edits are more effective in preserving model integrity compared to larger batch edits, promoting a hybrid approach for optimal results.

Model Editing Techniques for Llama-3 Language Model

Overview of Large Language Model Editing

LLMs like Llama-3 are incredibly versatile tools in AI, employed across various domains including translation, content generation, and more. However, keeping these models updated and accurate poses significant challenges. Model editing is a method that attempts to tweak an existing model to correct errors or update its knowledge base without full retraining, which is resource-intensive. This blog post explores an insightful analysis of different model editing techniques namely ROME, MEMIT, and EMMET, as applied to the Llama-3 model.

Selection of Model Editing Techniques

  • ROME: Rank-One Model Editing, aimed at tuning model parameters directly to incorporate new facts while preserving old knowledge.
  • MEMIT: Mass Editing Memory in Transformer, similar in goal to ROME but employs a different technical approach, allowing batch updates.
  • EMMET: Focuses on batch edits but uses an equality-constraint method, which theoretically preserves information better in large-scale edits.

Each of these techniques optimizes what's known as the preservation-memorization (PM) objective, which balances adding new information while maintaining existing knowledge.

Experimental Setup

The study evaluates the effectiveness of these editing strategies across different experimental setups:

  1. Single Layer Editing: Identifying the most effective model layer for edits.
  2. Batch versus Sequential Editing: Comparing performance between editing many items at once versus one after the other.

The effectiveness was measured using several metrics:

  • Edit Success (ES): How well the model adopts the new fact in place of the old.
  • Paraphrase Success (PS): The model's ability to generalize the new information across different phrasings.
  • Neighborhood Success (NS): How localized the edit effects were, aiming for minimal disruption.
  • Composite Score (S): A combined metric for overall editing quality.

Key Findings and Observations

Optimal Layer Identification

Instead of editing across all layers, pinpointing a specific layer can lead to better performance. The study found that for Llama-3, the first layer provided the best balance across all evaluation metrics, differing from some earlier models where middle layers performed better.

Batch vs. Sequential Editing

  • Batch Editing: Larger batches of edits (e.g., more than 1024 facts simultaneously) generally resulted in poorer performance across most metrics, particularly affecting the NS score, which measures the impact of edits on adjacent facts.
  • Sequential Editing: Smaller batches or individual edits added sequentially tend to preserve model performance better. It was found that sequential-batched editing, combining elements of both approaches, provided the most promising results in terms of scalability and efficiency.

Practical Implications

For practitioners and researchers, this study underscores the importance of choosing the right editing strategy based on the specific requirements of an LLM application. Sequential or small-batch edits, while potentially slower, offer more controlled updating and may preserve model integrity better than large-scale batch edits. The findings bolster the idea of a hybrid approach, integrating benefits from both types of edits for LLMs like Llama-3.

Future Directions

Future research might explore more refined hybrid editing techniques or look into automated methods to dynamically determine the optimal editing strategy in real-time. Another potential area is the development of new metrics that can capture more nuanced effects of model edits, thereby aiding in more granular optimizations.

In summary, this paper contributes a detailed examination of how different editing techniques affect the performance of a high-capacity language model, providing a clear pathway for further innovations in model editing methodologies.

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