Emergent Mind


Open-vocabulary Temporal Action Detection (Open-vocab TAD) is an advanced video analysis approach that expands Closed-vocabulary Temporal Action Detection (Closed-vocab TAD) capabilities. Closed-vocab TAD is typically confined to localizing and classifying actions based on a predefined set of categories. In contrast, Open-vocab TAD goes further and is not limited to these predefined categories. This is particularly useful in real-world scenarios where the variety of actions in videos can be vast and not always predictable. The prevalent methods in Open-vocab TAD typically employ a 2-stage approach, which involves generating action proposals and then identifying those actions. However, errors made during the first stage can adversely affect the subsequent action identification accuracy. Additionally, existing studies face challenges in handling actions of different durations owing to the use of fixed temporal processing methods. Therefore, we propose a 1-stage approach consisting of two primary modules: Multi-scale Video Analysis (MVA) and Video-Text Alignment (VTA). The MVA module captures actions at varying temporal resolutions, overcoming the challenge of detecting actions with diverse durations. The VTA module leverages the synergy between visual and textual modalities to precisely align video segments with corresponding action labels, a critical step for accurate action identification in Open-vocab scenarios. Evaluations on widely recognized datasets THUMOS14 and ActivityNet-1.3, showed that the proposed method achieved superior results compared to the other methods in both Open-vocab and Closed-vocab settings. This serves as a strong demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed method in the TAD task.

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