Emergent Mind


To overcome the memory capacity wall of large-scale AI and big data applications, Compute Express Link (CXL) enables cost-efficient memory expansion beyond the local DRAM of processors. While its CXL.mem protocol stack minimizes interconnect latency, CXL memory accesses can still result in significant slowdowns for memory-bound applications. While near-data processing (NDP) in CXL memory can overcome such limitations, prior works propose application-specific HW units that are not suitable for practical CXL memory-based systems that should support various applications. On the other hand, existing CPU or GPU cores are not cost-effective for NDP because they are not optimized for memory-bound applications. In addition, the communication between the host processor and CXL controller for NDP offloading should achieve low latency, but the CXL$.$io (or PCIe) protocol incurs $\mu$s-scale latency and is not suitable for fine-grain NDP. To achieve high-performance NDP end-to-end, we propose a low-overhead general-purpose NDP architecture for CXL memory referred to as Memory-Mapped NDP (M$2$NDP), which comprises memory-mapped functions (M$2$func) and memory-mapped $\mu$threading (M$2\mu$thr). The M$2$func is a CXL.mem-compatible low-overhead communication mechanism between the host processor and NDP controller in the CXL memory. The M$2\mu$thr enables low-cost, general-purpose NDP unit design by introducing lightweight $\mu$threads that support highly concurrent execution of NDP kernels with minimal resource wastage. By combining them, our M$2$NDP achieves significant speedups for various applications, including in-memory OLAP, key-value store, large language model, recommendation model, and graph analytics by up to 128$\times$ (11.5$\times$ overall) and reduces energy by up to 87.9\% (80.1\% overall) compared to a baseline CPU or GPU host with passive CXL memory.

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