Emergent Mind


Trajectory prediction in autonomous driving relies on accurate representation of all relevant contexts of the driving scene including traffic participants, road topology, traffic signs as well as their semantic relations to each other. Despite increased attention to this issue, most approaches in trajectory prediction do not consider all of these factors sufficiently. This paper describes a method SemanticFormer to predict multimodal trajectories by reasoning over a semantic traffic scene graph using a hybrid approach. We extract high-level information in the form of semantic meta-paths from a knowledge graph which is then processed by a novel pipeline based on multiple attention mechanisms to predict accurate trajectories. The proposed architecture comprises a hierarchical heterogeneous graph encoder, which can capture spatio-temporal and relational information across agents and between agents and road elements, and a predictor that fuses the different encodings and decodes trajectories with probabilities. Finally, a refinement module evaluates permitted meta-paths of trajectories and speed profiles to obtain final predicted trajectories. Evaluation of the nuScenes benchmark demonstrates improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.

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