Emergent Mind

A Survey on Vision Mamba: Models, Applications and Challenges

Published Apr 29, 2024 in cs.CV


Mamba, a recent selective structured state space model, performs excellently on long sequence modeling tasks. Mamba mitigates the modeling constraints of convolutional neural networks and offers advanced modeling capabilities similar to those of Transformers, through global receptive fields and dynamic weighting. Crucially, it achieves this without incurring the quadratic computational complexity typically associated with Transformers. Due to its advantages over the former two mainstream foundation models, Mamba exhibits great potential to be a visual foundation model. Researchers are actively applying Mamba to various computer vision tasks, leading to numerous emerging works. To help keep pace with the rapid advancements in computer vision, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of visual Mamba approaches. This paper begins by delineating the formulation of the original Mamba model. Subsequently, our review of visual Mamba explore several representative backbone networks to elucidate the core insights of the visual Mamba. We then categorize related works using different modalities, including image, video, point cloud, multi-modal, and others. Specifically, for image applications, we further organize them into distinct tasks to facilitate a more structured discussion. Finally, we discuss the challenges and future research directions for visual Mamba, providing insights for future research in this quickly evolving area. A comprehensive list of visual Mamba models reviewed in this work is available at https://github.com/Ruixxxx/Awesome-Vision-Mamba-Models.

Applications of Mamba in different vision domains.


  • Vision Mamba is a state-of-the-art model in computer vision, leveraging a state space approach to efficiently handle long sequences and diverse data types like images, videos, and point clouds without the high computational costs associated with transformers.

  • The model innovates through components like Selective Structured State Space (SS4) and bi-directional multi-axis scanning to enhance responsiveness and spatial understanding, improving performance in applications ranging from image classification to multi-modal data analysis.

  • Challenges such as handling non-causal data, optimizing computational efficiency, and ensuring stability on large-scale datasets need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of Vision Mamba in future AI-driven visual analytics.

Unraveling the Capabilities and Potential of Vision Mamba: A Comprehensive Survey


Vision Mamba has quickly become a focal point in the field of computer vision due to its efficient handling of long sequences and advanced modeling capabilities reminiscent of Transformers, but without the quadratic computational complexity. This survey delves deep into the innovative world of Vision Mamba, exploring its formulations, diverse applications across different modalities such as image, video, and point clouds, as well as highlighting the challenges and future directions in this rapidly evolving area.

Mamba Model Overview

Key Components and Operations:

  • State Space Model (SSM): At its core, Mamba utilizes a state space approach to model data sequences through a latent state that bridges input and output sequences, offering a unified framework that encapsulates features of RNNs, CNNs, and more traditional sequence models.
  • Selective Structured State Space (SS4): Mamba innovates by enabling selective memory and information propagation based on the current input context, which enhances model responsiveness to sequence dynamics significantly.
  • Bi-directional and Multi-axis Scanning: To adapt to the spatial complexity of images and videos, Mamba employs bi-directional scanning across multiple axes, ensuring comprehensive understanding by integrating information from all directions.

Application in Visual Tasks

Rich Task Suitability:

  • Image and Video Understanding: From classic image classification and segmentation tasks to complex video content analysis, Mamba models have shown promising results, leveraging their capacity to integrate extensive contextual information over long input sequences.
  • Extension to Point Clouds and Multi-Modal Data: Vision Mamba extends beyond 2D image analysis to handle 3D point clouds for object recognition and segmentation, and excels in multi-modal environments where combining information from diverse sources is crucial.

Challenges in Vision Mamba Implementations

Scope for Improvement:

  • Handling Non-Causal Data: Mamba's original design for causal sequences poses challenges when adapting to image data, which is inherently non-causal. Strategies like bi-directional scanning are used, but more nuanced solutions could further improve performance.
  • Computational Efficiency: Despite its linear computational prowess with sequence length, the application to visual tasks with extensive multi-path scans introduces redundancy and could be optimized for better resource management.
  • Stability on Large-scale Datasets: Scaling Mamba to larger datasets and models introduces stability issues that need addressing to unlock its full potential on par with established models like CNNs and Transformers.

Future Research Directions

Strategic Enhancements:

  • Innovative Scanning Techniques: Developing scanning strategies that better capture the intricacies of spatial data could significantly enhance Mamba’s effectiveness in processing higher-dimensional data.
  • Model Fusion Techniques: Exploring fusion strategies that integrate the strengths of various foundational models can potentially lead to breakthroughs in performance and flexibility.
  • Enhanced Data Efficiency: Capitalizing on Mamba’s efficiency could allow it to perform excellently with smaller datasets, a valuable trait for tasks where data is scarce or costly to obtain.


Vision Mamba stands at the forefront of sequence modeling innovations with its exceptional adaptability and efficient computation framework. While it opens up numerous possibilities across various domains of computer vision, ongoing challenges persist. Addressing these effectively through future research could elevate its status from a promising model to a cornerstone technology in AI-driven visual analytics.

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