Emergent Mind

Bootstrap 3D Reconstructed Scenes from 3D Gaussian Splatting

Published Apr 29, 2024 in cs.GR , cs.AI , and cs.CV


Recent developments in neural rendering techniques have greatly enhanced the rendering of photo-realistic 3D scenes across both academic and commercial fields. The latest method, known as 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS), has set new benchmarks for rendering quality and speed. Nevertheless, the limitations of 3D-GS become pronounced in synthesizing new viewpoints, especially for views that greatly deviate from those seen during training. Additionally, issues such as dilation and aliasing arise when zooming in or out. These challenges can all be traced back to a single underlying issue: insufficient sampling. In our paper, we present a bootstrapping method that significantly addresses this problem. This approach employs a diffusion model to enhance the rendering of novel views using trained 3D-GS, thereby streamlining the training process. Our results indicate that bootstrapping effectively reduces artifacts, as well as clear enhancements on the evaluation metrics. Furthermore, we show that our method is versatile and can be easily integrated, allowing various 3D reconstruction projects to benefit from our approach.

Implementation of upscale diffusion model enhancing images through iterations and smoothing techniques.


  • The paper introduces an enhancement to 3D scene rendering using a bootstrapping method with diffusion models, addressing limitations of the existing 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) technique.

  • The bootstrapping enhancement uses diffusion processes to improve the rendering of novel views and details, achieving higher fidelity and reducing artifacts in synthesized images.

  • Results show quantitative improvements in rendering metrics and qualitative enhancements in visual details, offering a more efficient and versatile approach for complex scene rendering.

Enhancements in 3D Scene Rendering with Diffusion-based Bootstrapping Technique


The rendering fidelity achieved by 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) in realistic 3D scene generation represents significant progress in the field of computer graphics and neural rendering. Despite its ability to provide efficient and high-quality renders, this technique exhibits limitations, particularly in rendering novel views and handling high-frequency details when zooming. These constraints have triggered the development of methods that address the underlying issues arising from insufficient sampling in 3D-GS.

Innovations in Methodology

Bootstrapping with Diffusion Models

The introduction of a bootstrapping method using a diffusion model is designed to enhance rendering of novel views that traditional 3D-GS struggles with. This process begins with the creation of synthesized viewpoints from a trained 3D-GS model, which tends to produce visual artifacts when the views deviate significantly from the training data. These synthesized images, perceived as degraded or incomplete, are then enhanced using a diffusion process to align more closely with the expected high-fidelity ground truth.

Diffusion Model Application

The operational core of the diffusion model involves iterative refinement of the rendered images. Starting with a degraded version, noise is progressively added and then learned to be removed, enhancing the image quality and detail at each step. By leveraging this model, the approach can interpolate and recreate detailed textures and structures in regions where 3D-GS based solely on initial training data would falter.

Results and Discussion

Quantitative Enhancements

The methodology demonstrates quantitative improvements over standard 3D-GS in several metrics across multiple benchmark datasets. Notably, the use of bootstrapping has shown to enhance PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and SSIM (Structural Similarity Index Measure) scores in complex scenes, suggesting more accurate and visually pleasing renderings.

Artifact Reduction

Besides improving fidelity metrics, the model efficiently addresses the artifact-generation issue inherent in the original 3D-GS approach. Especially in scenarios involving deep zooms or novel angular views, the bootstrapping technique offers a robust way of filling in visual gaps with plausible details that the unaided model might miss.

Performance and Integration

The bootstrapping method, while computationally more intensive due to the iterative nature of diffusion models, remains efficient enough to be practical for enhancing existing 3D-GS deployments. Its design as a plug-and-play solution adds versatility, allowing its easy integration into current workflows with minimal modifications required on the existing architecture.

Prospective Outlook

The adaptation of diffusion models for refining the outputs of 3D Gaussian splatting techniques opens new avenues in the rendering of complex scenes. Future work could explore the potential of more advanced diffusion processes, perhaps leveraging faster or more detail-oriented models as they become available. Moreover, exploring the integration of this bootstrapping method with other types of neural rendering frameworks could yield further improvements in rendering speed and quality across different applications, from virtual reality to advanced simulations.


The proposed bootstrapping method using diffusion models significantly enhances the capability of 3D-GS, improving both the quantitative performance metrics and the qualitative visual fidelity of rendered scenes. This advancement not only addresses specific limitations of existing methods but also adds a valuable tool to the repertoire of techniques available for realistic and efficient 3D rendering.

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