Emergent Mind

Online Policy Learning and Inference by Matrix Completion

Published Apr 26, 2024 in stat.ML and cs.LG


Making online decisions can be challenging when features are sparse and orthogonal to historical ones, especially when the optimal policy is learned through collaborative filtering. We formulate the problem as a matrix completion bandit (MCB), where the expected reward under each arm is characterized by an unknown low-rank matrix. The $\epsilon$-greedy bandit and the online gradient descent algorithm are explored. Policy learning and regret performance are studied under a specific schedule for exploration probabilities and step sizes. A faster decaying exploration probability yields smaller regret but learns the optimal policy less accurately. We investigate an online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting (IPW) and a general framework for online policy inference. The IPW-based estimators are asymptotically normal under mild arm-optimality conditions. Numerical simulations corroborate our theoretical findings. Our methods are applied to the San Francisco parking pricing project data, revealing intriguing discoveries and outperforming the benchmark policy.

Comparison of block occupancy rates using Matrix Completion Bandit and SFpark policy over various periods.


  • The paper introduces and analyzes Matrix Completion Bandit (MCB) problems, focusing on optimizing decision-making in contexts with sparse data, highlighted by applications in e-commerce and healthcare.

  • Through new algorithmic approaches like $\ ext{\epsilon}$-greedy and online gradient descent, the paper explores trade-offs between exploration and exploitation, emphasizing on learning accuracy and regret minimization in policy deployments.

  • Theoretical and practical contributions include the use of inverse propensity weighting for online debiasing, validation through real-world datasets, and guidance on improving policy inference and decision-making accuracy in dynamic, real-time environments.

Matrix Completion Bandits for Personalized Online Decision Making

Introduction to Matrix Completion Bandits (MCB)

Matrix Completion Bandit (MCB) problems are conceived to optimize decision-making processes in scenarios where features are sparse and orthogonal to historical data, commonly seen in personalized service areas like e-commerce or healthcare. This paper discusses an approach to formulating such problems within the matrix completion framework in conjunction with collaborative filtering, aimed at effectively balancing the dual objectives of exploration and exploitation.

Policy Learning and Algorithm Convergence

The main algorithmic advancements discussed include the introduction of $\varepsilon$-greedy and online gradient descent mechanisms to foster learning and decision-making under the MCB model. Specifically, the paper provides a detailed analysis on how variations in the schedule of exploration probabilities and step sizes influence learning accuracy and regret:

  • Convergence and Accuracy: The analysis indicates that maintaining a higher (or faster-decaying) exploration probability within a sensibly chosen schedule can effectively reduce regret, though it might compromise the accuracy of the learned policy.
  • Regret vs. Policy Accuracy: A critical examination is provided on the trade-offs between immediate performance (regret) and long-term benefits (policy accuracy). The paper finds that faster-decaying exploration probabilities yield smaller regret but at the expense of precise policy learning.

Practical Implications and Theoretical Contributions

From a practical standpoint, various simulations and a real-world dataset (San Francisco parking pricing project) validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The theoretical contributions extend to a comprehensive framework for evaluating policy inference, where online debiasing techniques, specifically inverse propensity weighting (IPW), play a central role in adjusting for non-uniform exploration of actions.

Online Inference Framework

A significant portion of the paper is devoted to establishing a robust framework for online policy inference. This enhances the practical utility of the MCB approach by allowing real-time adjustments and improvements to decision-making strategies based on incoming data. The paper skillfully discusses how the inherent biases of gradient descent methods in dynamic environments can be mitigated through IPW to achieve asymptotical normality of estimators, facilitating the construction of confidence intervals and hypothesis testing in online settings.

Future Directions

Looking ahead, this work opens several avenues for further exploration:

  1. Complexity and Scalability: Further research could focus on optimizing the computational complexity and scalability of the proposed methods, particularly in environments with extremely large datasets or higher-dimensional matrices.
  2. Broader Applicability: Extending these methods to non-matrix structured data or different types of decision problems could broaden the applicability of the MCB approach.
  3. Refinement of Inference Techniques: Enhancements to the online debiasing approach could potentially improve the accuracy and reliability of policy inference under varying operational conditions.


The exploration of matrix completion bandits in this study provides a robust framework for addressing the complex challenge of learning optimal policies in environments with sparse, orthogonal features. The proposed methods hold promise for significantly improving decision-making processes in personalized applications, supported by both theoretical insights and empirical validations.

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