Emergent Mind

Denotation-based Compositional Compiler Verification

Published Apr 26, 2024 in cs.PL


A desired but challenging property of compiler verification is compositionality in the sense that the compilation correctness of a program can be deduced from that of its substructures ranging from statements, functions, and modules incrementally. Previously proposed approaches have devoted extensive effort to module-level compositionality based on small-step semantics and simulation theories. This paper proposes a novel compiler verification framework based on denotational semantics for better compositionality. Specifically, our denotational semantics is defined by semantic functions that map a syntactic component to a semantic domain composed of multiple behavioral \emph{sets}, and compiler correctness is defined by the behavioral refinement between semantic domains of the source and the target programs. Therefore, when proving compiler correctness, we can extensively leverage the algebraic properties of sets. Another important contribution is that our formalization of denotational semantics captures the full meaning of a program and bridges the gap between those based on conventional powerdomains and what realistic compiler verification actually needs. We demonstrate our denotation-based framework viable and practical by applying it to the verification of the front-end of CompCert and showing that the compositionality from the compilation correctness of sub-statements to statements, from functions to modules, and from modules to the whole program (i.e., module-level compositionality) can be achieved similarly.

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