Emergent Mind

Biometrics Employing Neural Network

Published Feb 1, 2024 in cs.CR and cs.AI


Biometrics involves using unique human traits, both physical and behavioral, for the digital identification of individuals to provide access to systems, devices, or information. Within the field of computer science, it acts as a method for identifying and verifying individuals and controlling access. While the conventional method for personal authentication involves passwords, the vulnerability arises when passwords are compromised, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive actions. Biometric authentication presents a viable answer to this problem and is the most secure and user-friendly authentication method. Today, fingerprints, iris and retina patterns, facial recognition, hand shapes, palm prints, and voice recognition are frequently used forms of biometrics. Despite the diverse nature of these biometric identifiers, the core objective remains consistent ensuring security, recognizing authorized users, and rejecting impostors. Hence, it is crucial to determine accurately whether the characteristics belong to the rightful person. For systems to be effective and widely accepted, the error rate in recognition and verification must approach zero. It is acknowledged that current biometric techniques, while advanced, are not infallible and require continuous improvement. A more refined classifier is deemed necessary to classify patterns accurately. Artificial Neural Networks, which simulate the human brain's operations, present themselves as a promising approach. The survey presented herein explores various biometric techniques based on neural networks, emphasizing the ongoing quest for enhanced accuracy and reliability. It concludes that The utilization of neural networks along with biometric features not only enhances accuracy but also contributes to overall better security.

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