Emergent Mind

Understanding Privacy Risks of Embeddings Induced by Large Language Models

Published Apr 25, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


LLMs show early signs of artificial general intelligence but struggle with hallucinations. One promising solution to mitigate these hallucinations is to store external knowledge as embeddings, aiding LLMs in retrieval-augmented generation. However, such a solution risks compromising privacy, as recent studies experimentally showed that the original text can be partially reconstructed from text embeddings by pre-trained language models. The significant advantage of LLMs over traditional pre-trained models may exacerbate these concerns. To this end, we investigate the effectiveness of reconstructing original knowledge and predicting entity attributes from these embeddings when LLMs are employed. Empirical findings indicate that LLMs significantly improve the accuracy of two evaluated tasks over those from pre-trained models, regardless of whether the texts are in-distribution or out-of-distribution. This underscores a heightened potential for LLMs to jeopardize user privacy, highlighting the negative consequences of their widespread use. We further discuss preliminary strategies to mitigate this risk.

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