Emergent Mind


Recent advances in text-to-image models have opened new frontiers in human-centric generation. However, these models cannot be directly employed to generate images with consistent newly coined identities. In this work, we propose CharacterFactory, a framework that allows sampling new characters with consistent identities in the latent space of GANs for diffusion models. More specifically, we consider the word embeddings of celeb names as ground truths for the identity-consistent generation task and train a GAN model to learn the mapping from a latent space to the celeb embedding space. In addition, we design a context-consistent loss to ensure that the generated identity embeddings can produce identity-consistent images in various contexts. Remarkably, the whole model only takes 10 minutes for training, and can sample infinite characters end-to-end during inference. Extensive experiments demonstrate excellent performance of the proposed CharacterFactory on character creation in terms of identity consistency and editability. Furthermore, the generated characters can be seamlessly combined with the off-the-shelf image/video/3D diffusion models. We believe that the proposed CharacterFactory is an important step for identity-consistent character generation. Project page is available at: https://qinghew.github.io/CharacterFactory/.


  • CharacterFactory uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate new characters that maintain consistent identities across different contexts, providing potential applications in story illustrations, brand marketing, and other fields.

  • The core technology, Identity-Embedding Generative Adversarial Network (IDE-GAN), creates pseudo identity embeddings from random latent vectors, ensuring characters' identity remains consistent even when adapted to different styles and scenarios.

  • The system exhibits robust performance, showing significant advancements in end-to-end character generation capabilities, with quick training and inference times and promising areas for future exploration in diverse media.

Comprehensive Overview of "CharacterFactory: Sampling Consistent Characters with GANs for Diffusion Models"


"CharacterFactory" introduces an innovative method for generating new characters across various contexts while maintaining identity consistency using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). This system is significant in applications like story illustrations, brand marketing, or any scenario requiring consistent identity portrayal across varied scenarios.


At the core of "CharacterFactory" is the Identity-Embedding Generative Adversarial Network (IDE-GAN), designed to transform random latent vectors into pseudo identity embeddings, compatible with pre-trained diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. The authors leverage the concept of consistency from GANs and contextual adaptability through a specially designed context-consistent loss mechanism. The embeddings generated mimic those of celebrities to exploit existing rich textual datasets without the cart before the horse phenomena observed in two-step generation models. This mechanism ensures that the generated characters retain consistent identities even across varying contexts and styles.

Implementation Breakdown

  • Identity-Embedding GAN (IDE-GAN): This component uses multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to map random latent vectors to embeddings located within the vicinity of real-world celebrity embeddings. The architecture consists of typical GAN components, a generator and a discriminator, optimized via adversarial training corroborated by the ground truths constructed from celebrity word embeddings.
  • Context-Consistent Loss: This novel loss function enhances the integration of pseudo identity embeddings seamlessly into downstream diffusion models. It ensures that the embeddings maintain context-based consistencies, especially when introduced into textual descriptions during inference.

Experiments and Results

The "CharacterFactory" was evaluated extensively, both qualitatively and quantitatively, against contemporary methods such as Textual Inversion and DreamBooth. It demonstrated superior identity preservation and contextual adaptability across several benchmarks. Notably, it affirms end-to-end generation capability and exhibits rapid training and inference times — approximately 10 minutes for training and mere seconds for end-to-end inference.

Conclusions and Future Work

The proposed "CharacterFactory" framework substantially advances the field of generative modeling by introducing a capable system for generating new characters that integrate seamlessly with various contexts while maintaining consistency in identity portrayal. Its ability to adapt embeddings from rich celebrity datasets to new pseudo identities without extensive re-training sets a new benchmark for efficiency and adaptability in character generation.

With its demonstrated efficiency and robustness, future developments could explore deeper integration with other forms of media like video or interactive applications, enhancing the versatility of generative models in dynamic scenarios. Additionally, expanding the diversity of generated characters across more varied and nuanced identity spectrums represents a compelling direction for subsequent research.

Practical Applications

The ability of "CharacterFactory" to create consistent characters can be immediately applicable in:

  • Storytelling and Media Production: Generating consistent visual representations of characters across various scenes.
  • Advertising: Creating and maintaining brand mascots that require consistency across different media formats.
  • Educational Content: Illustrating educational materials with recurring, identifiable characters that maintain a consistent appearance across various educational contexts and visual media.


The paper cites extensive work from foundational models like Stable Diffusion, which informs the basis of their modifications, and previous approaches in GANs that provide a pathway toward more refined character consistency in generative models.

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