Emergent Mind


Leveraging generative retrieval (GR) techniques to enhance search systems is an emerging methodology that has shown promising results in recent years. In GR, a text-to-text model maps string queries directly to relevant document identifiers (docIDs), so it dramatically simplifies the whole retrieval process. However, when applying most GR models in large-scale E-commerce for personalized item search, we have to face two key problems in encoding and decoding. (1) Existing docID generation methods ignore the encoding of efficiency information, which is critical in E-commerce. (2) The positional information is important in decoding docIDs, while prior studies have not adequately discriminated the significance of positional information or well exploited the inherent interrelation among these positions. To overcome these problems, we introduce an efficient Hierarchical encoding-decoding Generative retrieval method (Hi-Gen) for large-scale personalized E-commerce search systems. Specifically, we first design a representation learning model along with metric learning to learn discriminative feature representations of items to capture both semantic relevance and efficiency information. Then, we propose a category-guided hierarchical clustering scheme that makes full use of the semantic and efficiency information of items to facilitate docID generation. Finally, we design a position-aware loss to discriminate the importance of positions and mine the inherent interrelation between different tokens at the same position. This loss boosts the performance of the language model used in the decoding stage. Besides, we propose two variants of Hi-Gen (i.e.,Hi-Gen-I2I and Hi-Gen-Cluster) to support online real-time large-scale recall in the online serving process. Extensive experiments on both public and industry datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of Hi-Gen.

Illustration of the category-guided hierarchical clustering method producing the docID.


  • The paper introduces 'Hierarchical encoding-decoding Generative retrieval (Hi-Gen)', a novel approach designed to improve large-scale personalized E-commerce search by addressing challenges in the generative retrieval model, especially in encoding and decoding document identifiers (docIDs).

  • Hi-Gen employs a dual-component model consisting of Representation Learning for generating discriminative embeddings and Metric Learning to refine these embeddings, along with a category-guided hierarchical clustering for docID generation and a position-aware loss function for decoding.

  • Through quantitative analysis and A/B testing, Hi-Gen shows superior performance to existing models in terms of recall and other key business metrics, underlining its applicability and scalability in real-world E-commerce settings.

Enhancing Large-Scale Personalized E-commerce Search with Hierarchical Generative Retrieval


Recent advancements in Generative Retrieval (GR) techniques have shown promising directions for enhancing search systems, but applying these methods to large-scale E-commerce search systems introduces unique challenges in encoding and decoding document identifiers (docIDs). The paper presents a novel method, Hierarchical encoding-decoding Generative retrieval (Hi-Gen), which addresses several shortcomings of existing generative retrieval models in the context of large-scale personalized E-commerce searches.

Key Methodological Innovations

Representation Learning and Metric Learning: Hi-Gen introduces a dual-component model to capture both semantic relevance and efficiency information of items:

  • Representation Learning: This component is responsible for generating discriminative embeddings that integrate semantic, common, and efficiency-based features of items using a multi-task learning framework.
  • Metric Learning: Post the initial embeddings, a metric learning module refines these embeddings further to ensure that similar items cluster closely in the embedded space, by employing a triplet margin loss that prioritizes both user interactions and item efficiency.

Category-Guided Hierarchical Clustering for docID Generation: Rather than relying on traditional methods, Hi-Gen uses a unique category-guided hierarchical clustering to generate docIDs. This method leverages the hierarchical category structure inherent to E-commerce platforms to generate meaningful and structured identifiers encompassing both item category and efficiency metrics.

Decoding with Position-Aware Loss: A position-aware loss function is employed to fine-tune the language model that decodes user queries into docIDs. This loss function emphasizes the positional significance of tokens in the docIDs, aiming to capture the hierarchical importance and inter-token relationships more accurately.

Experimental Validation

Quantitative Improvements: Hi-Gen demonstrates significant improvements over state-of-the-art models in well-known metrics. Specifically, the paper reports a 3.30% and 4.62% increase over existing best models in Recall@1 in public and industry-specific datasets, respectively. Larger gains are noted when exploring metrics like Recall@10, showcasing Hi-Gen's robustness in retrieving relevant documents.

Ablation Study: Removing any single component from Hi-Gen (such as position-aware loss or metric learning) leads to notable performance dips, underlining the significance of each component in the integrated model. The category-guided clustering emerges as a particularly critical feature, its removal resulting in the most substantial performance decrease.

Zero-Shot and Scalability Tests: Hi-Gen's generalization capabilities are compelling, particularly in zero-shot learning scenarios where it significantly outperforms other models. The adaptability of Hi-Gen is further validated through scalable online A/B testing on a large-scale E-commerce platform, demonstrating improvements in key business metrics such as Recall, GMV, and conversion rates without incurring additional latency overheads.

Implications and Future Work

The innovation of Hi-Gen lies in its holistic approach, covering feature representation, structured docID generation, and fine-tuning retrieval through position-aware mechanisms. This methodology could set a new standard for personalized search in massive, dynamic inventories typical of modern E-commerce platforms. Future explorations could refine the encoding strategies or adapt the model for other types of personalized recommendation systems, potentially exploring the integration with other forms of machine learning models to enhance decision-making processes further. Additionally, further elaboration on the impacts of different features and embedding layers could provide deeper insights into the contributions of individual model components.

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