Emergent Mind

Affordance Blending Networks

Published Apr 24, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Affordances, a concept rooted in ecological psychology and pioneered by James J. Gibson, have emerged as a fundamental framework for understanding the dynamic relationship between individuals and their environments. Expanding beyond traditional perceptual and cognitive paradigms, affordances represent the inherent effect and action possibilities that objects offer to the agents within a given context. As a theoretical lens, affordances bridge the gap between effect and action, providing a nuanced understanding of the connections between agents' actions on entities and the effect of these actions. In this study, we propose a model that unifies object, action and effect into a single latent representation in a common latent space that is shared between all affordances that we call the affordance space. Using this affordance space, our system is able to generate effect trajectories when action and object are given and is able to generate action trajectories when effect trajectories and objects are given. In the experiments, we showed that our model does not learn the behavior of each object but it learns the affordance relations shared by the objects that we call equivalences. In addition to simulated experiments, we showed that our model can be used for direct imitation in real world cases. We also propose affordances as a base for Cross Embodiment transfer to link the actions of different robots. Finally, we introduce selective loss as a solution that allows valid outputs to be generated for indeterministic model inputs.

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