Emergent Mind

Parameterized Maximum Node-Disjoint Paths

Published Apr 23, 2024 in cs.DS and cs.CC


We revisit the Maximum Node-Disjoint Paths problem, the natural optimization version of Node-Disjoint Paths, where we are given a graph $G$, $k$ pairs of vertices $(si, ti)$ and an integer $\ell$, and are asked whether there exist at least $\ell$ vertex-disjoint paths in $G$ whose endpoints are given pairs. We present several results, with an emphasis towards FPT approximation. Our main positive contribution is to show that the problem's intractability can be overcome using approximation and that for several of the structural parameters for which the problem is hard, most notably tree-depth, it admits an efficient FPT approximation scheme, returning a $(1-\varepsilon)$-approximate solution in time $f(td,\varepsilon)n{O(1)}$. We manage to obtain these results by comprehensively mapping out the structural parameters for which the problem is FPT if $\ell$ is also a parameter, hence showing that understanding $\ell$ as a parameter is key to the problem's approximability. This, in turn, is a problem we are able to solve via a surprisingly simple color-coding algorithm, which relies on identifying an insightful problem-specific variant of the natural parameter, namely the number of vertices used in the solution. A natural question is whether the FPT approximation algorithm we devised for tree-depth can be extended to pathwidth. We resolve this negatively, showing that under the Parameterized Inapproximability Hypothesis no FPT approximation scheme for this parameter is possible, even in time $f(pw,\varepsilon)n{g(\varepsilon)}$, thus precisely determining the parameter border where the problem transitions from hard but approximable'' toinapproximable''. Lastly, we strengthen existing lower bounds by replacing W[1]-hardness by XNLP-completeness for parameter pathwidth, and improving the $n{o(\sqrt{td})}$ ETH-based lower bound for tree-depth to $n{o(td)}$.

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