Emergent Mind

Integrating Mamba and Transformer for Long-Short Range Time Series Forecasting

Published Apr 23, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Time series forecasting is an important problem and plays a key role in a variety of applications including weather forecasting, stock market, and scientific simulations. Although transformers have proven to be effective in capturing dependency, its quadratic complexity of attention mechanism prevents its further adoption in long-range time series forecasting, thus limiting them attend to short-range range. Recent progress on state space models (SSMs) have shown impressive performance on modeling long range dependency due to their subquadratic complexity. Mamba, as a representative SSM, enjoys linear time complexity and has achieved strong scalability on tasks that requires scaling to long sequences, such as language, audio, and genomics. In this paper, we propose to leverage a hybrid framework Mambaformer that internally combines Mamba for long-range dependency, and Transformer for short range dependency, for long-short range forecasting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to combine Mamba and Transformer architecture in time series data. We investigate possible hybrid architectures to combine Mamba layer and attention layer for long-short range time series forecasting. The comparative study shows that the Mambaformer family can outperform Mamba and Transformer in long-short range time series forecasting problem. The code is available at https://github.com/XiongxiaoXu/Mambaformerin-Time-Series.

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