Emergent Mind

Rank2Reward: Learning Shaped Reward Functions from Passive Video

Published Apr 23, 2024 in cs.RO


Teaching robots novel skills with demonstrations via human-in-the-loop data collection techniques like kinesthetic teaching or teleoperation puts a heavy burden on human supervisors. In contrast to this paradigm, it is often significantly easier to provide raw, action-free visual data of tasks being performed. Moreover, this data can even be mined from video datasets or the web. Ideally, this data can serve to guide robot learning for new tasks in novel environments, informing both "what" to do and "how" to do it. A powerful way to encode both the "what" and the "how" is to infer a well-shaped reward function for reinforcement learning. The challenge is determining how to ground visual demonstration inputs into a well-shaped and informative reward function. We propose a technique Rank2Reward for learning behaviors from videos of tasks being performed without access to any low-level states and actions. We do so by leveraging the videos to learn a reward function that measures incremental "progress" through a task by learning how to temporally rank the video frames in a demonstration. By inferring an appropriate ranking, the reward function is able to guide reinforcement learning by indicating when task progress is being made. This ranking function can be integrated into an adversarial imitation learning scheme resulting in an algorithm that can learn behaviors without exploiting the learned reward function. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Rank2Reward at learning behaviors from raw video on a number of tabletop manipulation tasks in both simulations and on a real-world robotic arm. We also demonstrate how Rank2Reward can be easily extended to be applicable to web-scale video datasets.

Rank2Reward learns reward functions from video demonstrations by ordering frames and combining two elements.


  • Rank2Reward is a novel technique that utilizes video demonstrations to teach robots tasks through learned reward functions, leveraging the sequence of actions depicted without explicit action details.

  • The method incorporates frame ranking to guide robots in reinforcement learning and integrates adversarial imitation learning to ensure accurate task execution mimicking expert demonstrations.

  • The technique has been successfully tested in both simulated environments and real-world scenarios and shows potential for broader robot teaching applications, aiming to overcome limitations through future improvements.

Exploring Rank2Reward: Teaching Robots with Video Demonstrations

Introduction to the Challenge

Teaching robots to perform new tasks traditionally involves either direct human intervention, such as with kinesthetic teaching and teleoperation, or sophisticated reward function design for reinforcement learning (RL). Either approach comes with significant drawbacks, particularly in how time-consuming and technically challenging they can be.

The Power of Visual Demonstrations

Visual demonstrations, particularly videos of tasks being performed, offer an abundant and accessible source of training data. These videos aren't just prevalent in specialized datasets but are also widely available across the internet (think cooking videos or DIY tutorials on YouTube). Interestingly, these videos encapsulate not just the end goals ("what" to do) but also the methodologies ("how" to do it), though they lack explicit step-by-step actions or states.

Novel Approach: Rank2Reward

The Rank2Reward method steps into this landscape with a promise to leverage untreated video footage as a teachable moment for robots. It focuses on learning reward functions based on the natural progression of tasks in a video, essentially teaching a robot to recognize and generate the next logical step in a task sequence without ever seeing explicit details of actions involved.

Frame Ranking as a Learning Tool

At the heart of Rank2Reward is an innovative technique that interprets the progression in a task by learning to rank the frames of a video demonstration. This ranking informs the robot about the correctness and sequence of task-specific states, thereby guiding the RL process more effectively. In essence, if the robot’s actions lead to progress similar to what is observed in the ranked frames, those actions are considered correct.

Adversarial Imitation Learning Integration

To refine the learning process and prevent the potential exploitation of the learned reward function (a common pitfall in reinforcement learning), Rank2Reward integrates adversarial imitation learning. This component ensures the robot's learned behaviors closely mimic the expert demonstrations without straying into unguided or incorrect actions.

Demonstrated Success in Simulated and Real Environments

Rank2Reward’s effectiveness is underscored through rigorous testing in both simulated tabletop manipulation tasks and real-world scenarios using robotic arms. The system not only outperformed several established baselines but also showcased its adaptability to different tasks from simple object pushing to complex drawer opening tasks in real life.

Future Outlook and Improvements

While Rank2Reward marks a significant step towards more intuitive robot teaching through unstructured data, it’s not without limitations. Future enhancements can focus on better generalization across different robotic platforms and environments, addressing the shift in task execution between human demonstrations and robot actions. Moreover, expanding the system to handle multi-task learning and enhancing its resilience against changes in environment will be key areas to tackle.


Rank2Reward introduces a promising direction in robotics, utilizing easily accessible video data to teach robots in an interpretable and effective manner. It simplifies the learning process while sidestepping the need for extensive manual data tagging or intricate, hand-engineered reward systems in new environments. As this methodology evolves, it has the potential to significantly lower the barriers to advanced robot programming, making sophisticated automation accessible to a broader range of applications.


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