Emergent Mind


Although diffusion models can generate high-quality human images, their applications are limited by the instability in generating hands with correct structures. Some previous works mitigate the problem by considering hand structure yet struggle to maintain style consistency between refined malformed hands and other image regions. In this paper, we aim to solve the problem of inconsistency regarding hand structure and style. We propose a conditional diffusion-based framework RHanDS to refine the hand region with the help of decoupled structure and style guidance. Specifically, the structure guidance is the hand mesh reconstructed from the malformed hand, serving to correct the hand structure. The style guidance is a hand image, e.g., the malformed hand itself, and is employed to furnish the style reference for hand refining. In order to suppress the structure leakage when referencing hand style and effectively utilize hand data to improve the capability of the model, we build a multi-style hand dataset and introduce a twostage training strategy. In the first stage, we use paired hand images for training to generate hands with the same style as the reference. In the second stage, various hand images generated based on the human mesh are used for training to enable the model to gain control over the hand structure. We evaluate our method and counterparts on the test dataset of the proposed multi-style hand dataset. The experimental results show that RHanDS can effectively refine hands structure- and style- correctly compared with previous methods. The codes and datasets will be available soon.

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