Emergent Mind

PristiQ: A Co-Design Framework for Preserving Data Security of Quantum Learning in the Cloud

Published Apr 20, 2024 in quant-ph , cs.AI , cs.CR , cs.ET , and cs.LG


Benefiting from cloud computing, today's early-stage quantum computers can be remotely accessed via the cloud services, known as Quantum-as-a-Service (QaaS). However, it poses a high risk of data leakage in quantum machine learning (QML). To run a QML model with QaaS, users need to locally compile their quantum circuits including the subcircuit of data encoding first and then send the compiled circuit to the QaaS provider for execution. If the QaaS provider is untrustworthy, the subcircuit to encode the raw data can be easily stolen. Therefore, we propose a co-design framework for preserving the data security of QML with the QaaS paradigm, namely PristiQ. By introducing an encryption subcircuit with extra secure qubits associated with a user-defined security key, the security of data can be greatly enhanced. And an automatic search algorithm is proposed to optimize the model to maintain its performance on the encrypted quantum data. Experimental results on simulation and the actual IBM quantum computer both prove the ability of PristiQ to provide high security for the quantum data while maintaining the model performance in QML.

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