Emergent Mind


We introduce EC-SLAM, a real-time dense RGB-D simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system utilizing Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Although recent NeRF-based SLAM systems have demonstrated encouraging outcomes, they have yet to completely leverage NeRF's capability to constrain pose optimization. By employing an effectively constrained global bundle adjustment (BA) strategy, our system makes use of NeRF's implicit loop closure correction capability. This improves the tracking accuracy by reinforcing the constraints on the keyframes that are most pertinent to the optimized current frame. In addition, by implementing a feature-based and uniform sampling strategy that minimizes the number of ineffective constraint points for pose optimization, we mitigate the effects of random sampling in NeRF. EC-SLAM utilizes sparse parametric encodings and the truncated signed distance field (TSDF) to represent the map in order to facilitate efficient fusion, resulting in reduced model parameters and accelerated convergence velocity. A comprehensive evaluation conducted on the Replica, ScanNet, and TUM datasets showcases cutting-edge performance, including enhanced reconstruction accuracy resulting from precise pose estimation, 21 Hz run time, and tracking precision improvements of up to 50\%. The source code is available at https://github.com/Lightingooo/EC-SLAM.

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