Emergent Mind

STAT: Towards Generalizable Temporal Action Localization

Published Apr 20, 2024 in cs.CV


Weakly-supervised temporal action localization (WTAL) aims to recognize and localize action instances with only video-level labels. Despite the significant progress, existing methods suffer from severe performance degradation when transferring to different distributions and thus may hardly adapt to real-world scenarios . To address this problem, we propose the Generalizable Temporal Action Localization task (GTAL), which focuses on improving the generalizability of action localization methods. We observed that the performance decline can be primarily attributed to the lack of generalizability to different action scales. To address this problem, we propose STAT (Self-supervised Temporal Adaptive Teacher), which leverages a teacher-student structure for iterative refinement. Our STAT features a refinement module and an alignment module. The former iteratively refines the model's output by leveraging contextual information and helps adapt to the target scale. The latter improves the refinement process by promoting a consensus between student and teacher models. We conduct extensive experiments on three datasets, THUMOS14, ActivityNet1.2, and HACS, and the results show that our method significantly improves the Baseline methods under the cross-distribution evaluation setting, even approaching the same-distribution evaluation performance.

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