Emergent Mind

PhysDreamer: Physics-Based Interaction with 3D Objects via Video Generation

Published Apr 19, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Realistic object interactions are crucial for creating immersive virtual experiences, yet synthesizing realistic 3D object dynamics in response to novel interactions remains a significant challenge. Unlike unconditional or text-conditioned dynamics generation, action-conditioned dynamics requires perceiving the physical material properties of objects and grounding the 3D motion prediction on these properties, such as object stiffness. However, estimating physical material properties is an open problem due to the lack of material ground-truth data, as measuring these properties for real objects is highly difficult. We present PhysDreamer, a physics-based approach that endows static 3D objects with interactive dynamics by leveraging the object dynamics priors learned by video generation models. By distilling these priors, PhysDreamer enables the synthesis of realistic object responses to novel interactions, such as external forces or agent manipulations. We demonstrate our approach on diverse examples of elastic objects and evaluate the realism of the synthesized interactions through a user study. PhysDreamer takes a step towards more engaging and realistic virtual experiences by enabling static 3D objects to dynamically respond to interactive stimuli in a physically plausible manner. See our project page at https://physdreamer.github.io/.

The process of rendering 3D Gaussian objects, generating reference videos, and optimizing material and velocity fields.


  • PhysDreamer introduces a novel i-Gaussian approach, utilizing physics-based modeling to enable realistic interaction dynamics in static 3D models using video-derived data.

  • The i-Gaussian methodology predicts the physical response of objects by estimating material properties from videos, enhanced by neural field techniques like 3D Gaussians and the Material Point Method.

  • Extensive validations showed that i-Gaussian achieved higher realism in motion simulation over existing counterparts, even being preferred in some cases to actual video captures.

  • The study also discusses potential practical applications in industries such as virtual reality, gaming, and film, and suggests future enhancements in multi-view integration and model efficiency.

PhysDreamer: Generating Interactive 3D Dynamics by Leveraging Video Generation Models


The challenge of enabling static 3D objects to respond realistically to interactive forces is significant in the realm of virtual simulations and experiences. Existing methodologies predominantly focus on generating non-interactive dynamics that do not adapt to novel stimuli such as external forces. The PhysDreamer project pioneers a novel approach, termed i-Gaussian, which employs physics-based modeling to allow static 3D objects to exhibit realistic, interactive dynamics.


Action-Conditioned Dynamics Synthesis

The crux of the i-Gaussian approach is distinguishing itself by not just generating random or visually plausible dynamics but by grounding these dynamics in the actual physical properties of the objects. This involves estimating the material properties like stiffness and using these estimates to predict how an object would physically respond to external stimuli. The system leverages existing video generation models to infer these properties implicitly captured in large video datasets, addressing the lack of direct ground-truth data for material properties.

Technical Framework and Process

  • Modeling and Simulation: The approach utilizes 3D Gaussians to represent objects and interprets these through a neural field methodology to estimate a physical material field. The dynamics of objects are then simulated using the Material Point Method (MPM), highly regarded for its adaptability and robustness in handling various materials.
  • Dual-Stage Optimization: i-Gaussian employs a two-stage optimization process. Initially, it optimizes for the best initial conditions that match a target video in early frames. Subsequently, it freezes these conditions to refine the estimates of the spatial material properties.
  • Use of Video Priors: By distilling dynamics priors from video generation models, i-Gaussian estimates how an object should move and uses this as a target for optimization—bridging the gap between static 3D model representation and dynamic interactive behavior.


The model was rigorously tested across various scenarios, including plants and household items, subjected to external forces. The realism of the generated interactions was validated through comprehensive user studies, demonstrating superior performance in achieving realistic motion when compared to state-of-the-art methods like PhysGaussian and DreamGaussian4D. Notably, in some instances, the motion realism synthesized by i-Gaussian was even preferred over real video captures.

Implications and Future Directions

Theoretical Implications

This research enhances understanding of how to incorporate physical realism into interactive 3D simulations. It bridges a crucial gap in generative modeling by linking visual data-driven learning with physics-based simulation paradigms.

Practical Implications

For industries like virtual reality, gaming, and film, where dynamic and realistic interactions with 3D objects are necessary, the ability to automatically estimate and simulate physical properties can vastly improve the workflow and authenticity of virtual scenes.

Future Work

While i-Gaussian has shown promising results, the exploration of integrating multiple viewpoints and improving the efficiency and robustness of such systems remains a fertile ground for future research. Enhancements in video generation models and their application in physically grounded simulations could further refine the interaction dynamics realism.

In conclusion, PhysDreamer represents a significant step towards integrating learned dynamics from video into real-time, interactive 3D object manipulation, paving the way for more immersive and physically accurate virtual environments. Such advancements hold the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital content, providing more engaging user experiences and new opportunities for content creation across various domains.

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