Emergent Mind

Learn2Talk: 3D Talking Face Learns from 2D Talking Face

Published Apr 19, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.GR , and cs.LG


Speech-driven facial animation methods usually contain two main classes, 3D and 2D talking face, both of which attract considerable research attention in recent years. However, to the best of our knowledge, the research on 3D talking face does not go deeper as 2D talking face, in the aspect of lip-synchronization (lip-sync) and speech perception. To mind the gap between the two sub-fields, we propose a learning framework named Learn2Talk, which can construct a better 3D talking face network by exploiting two expertise points from the field of 2D talking face. Firstly, inspired by the audio-video sync network, a 3D sync-lip expert model is devised for the pursuit of lip-sync between audio and 3D facial motion. Secondly, a teacher model selected from 2D talking face methods is used to guide the training of the audio-to-3D motions regression network to yield more 3D vertex accuracy. Extensive experiments show the advantages of the proposed framework in terms of lip-sync, vertex accuracy and speech perception, compared with state-of-the-arts. Finally, we show two applications of the proposed framework: audio-visual speech recognition and speech-driven 3D Gaussian Splatting based avatar animation.


  • The IEEEtran LaTeX class file aids in creating IEEE-compliant publications by offering templates for various document types like journal articles and conference papers.

  • Templates are designed to approximate the presentation and length of IEEE publications and facilitate XML conversion for final composition in formats like IEEE Xplore®.

  • The guide provides detailed usage scenarios and customization options for different IEEE society publications and includes practical coding examples for common formatting needs.

  • Emphasizes the importance of consistent formatting and the future need for updates in templates to keep up with evolving digital publishing standards.

Overview of the IEEEtran LaTeX Templates Usage Guide

Introduction and Purpose

The publication guide presents a comprehensive overview of the IEEEtran LaTeX class file, which is specifically tailored for creating IEEE publications that conform to their typesetting specifications. This documentation elucidates the varied document types that can be generated, such as journal articles, conference papers, and technical notes, each being tailored through distinct class options.

Template Design and Intent

IEEEtran templates aim to approximate the ultimate presentation and length of articles intended for IEEE publications, though they are not the final layout seen in print or digital libraries. Key design metrics consider page length approximation and facilitate the conversion process to XML, which publishers use for the final composition in various formats including IEEE Xplore®. These templates serve more as a structural guide rather than the final layout protocol.

Template and LaTeX Distribution Sources

Users are directed towards multiple sources for obtaining the IEEEtran templates and LaTeX distributions. The IEEE Template Selector is highlighted as the primary source for the most current templates. For LaTeX distributions, the TeX Users Group (TUG) at tug.org is recommended, providing comprehensive resources for various operating systems.

Usage and Customization

The document delineates usage scenarios by specifying appropriate documentclass options for different types of publications. It provides a granular breakdown of template structures for journals and conferences affiliated with different IEEE societies, including the Computer Society and Communications Society. Each kind of document class is tailored to meet the specific submission standards of these societies.

Practical Guides and Examples

In-depth coding examples are provided for common formatting needs within a document, including title, author details, and index terms. It offers specific instructions for front matter (title, author, running heads) and common body elements like section headings, figures, and tables. The documentation is clear on the need for consistent formatting, especially concerning special content such as mathematical equations and complex tables.

Support and Additional Resources

The guide does not leave users to troubleshoot alone but points to various LaTeX user groups and forums where both novice and experienced users can seek advice or find solutions to common and complex problems.

Implications and Future Directions

By standardizing the approach to manuscript preparation for IEEE publications, the IEEEtran LaTeX class file assists in maintaining consistency and high quality in scholarly publications. Looking ahead, as digital publishing evolves, templates like IEEEtran will need continual updates to accommodate new typesetting technologies and publication standards. Future updates might include enhanced integration with digital tools that automatically check for adherence to IEEE styling guidelines or more sophisticated XML conversion tools that streamline the publication process further.


In conclusion, the IEEEtran LaTeX templates provide an essential resource for authors targeting IEEE journals and conferences, encapsulating the formatting requirements into a functional tool that aids in producing compliant and professionally formatted manuscripts. This guide is a crucial asset for understanding and utilizing the IEEEtran class effectively, ensuring that submissions meet the expected scholarly standards set forth by IEEE.

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