Emergent Mind


Masked image modeling (MIM) pre-training for large-scale vision transformers (ViTs) in computer vision has enabled promising downstream performance on top of the learned self-supervised ViT features. In this paper, we question if the extremely simple ViTs' fine-tuning performance with a small-scale architecture can also benefit from this pre-training paradigm, which is considerably less studied yet in contrast to the well-established lightweight architecture design methodology with sophisticated components introduced. By carefully adapting various typical MIM pre-training methods to this lightweight regime and comparing them with the contrastive learning (CL) pre-training on various downstream image classification and dense prediction tasks, we systematically observe different behaviors between MIM and CL with respect to the downstream fine-tuning data scales. Furthermore, we analyze the frozen features under linear probing evaluation and also the layer representation similarities and attention maps across the obtained models, which clearly show the inferior learning of MIM pre-training on higher layers, leading to unsatisfactory fine-tuning performance on data-insufficient downstream tasks. This finding is naturally a guide to choosing appropriate distillation strategies during pre-training to solve the above deterioration problem. Extensive experiments on various vision tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our observation-analysis-solution flow. In particular, our pre-training with distillation on pure lightweight ViTs with vanilla/hierarchical design (5.7M/6.5M) can achieve 79.4%/78.9% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K. It also enables SOTA performance on the ADE20K semantic segmentation task (42.8% mIoU) and LaSOT visual tracking task (66.1% AUC) in the lightweight regime. The latter even surpasses all the current SOTA lightweight CPU-realtime trackers.

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