Emergent Mind

Generating Diverse Criteria On-the-Fly to Improve Point-wise LLM Rankers

Published Apr 18, 2024 in cs.IR and cs.AI


The most recent pointwise Large Language Model (LLM) rankers have achieved remarkable ranking results. However, these rankers are hindered by two major drawbacks: (1) they fail to follow a standardized comparison guidance during the ranking process, and (2) they struggle with comprehensive considerations when dealing with complicated passages. To address these shortcomings, we propose to build a ranker that generates ranking scores based on a set of criteria from various perspectives. These criteria are intended to direct each perspective in providing a distinct yet synergistic evaluation. Our research, which examines eight datasets from the BEIR benchmark demonstrates that incorporating this multi-perspective criteria ensemble approach markedly enhanced the performance of pointwise LLM rankers.

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