Emergent Mind

LTL-Constrained Policy Optimization with Cycle Experience Replay

Published Apr 17, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.FL


Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) offers a precise means for constraining the behavior of reinforcement learning agents. However, in many tasks, LTL is insufficient for task specification; LTL-constrained policy optimization, where the goal is to optimize a scalar reward under LTL constraints, is needed. Prior methods for this constrained problem are restricted to finite state spaces. In this work, we present Cycle Experience Replay (CyclER), a reward-shaping approach to this problem that allows continuous state and action spaces and the use of function approximations. CyclER guides a policy towards satisfaction by encouraging partial behaviors compliant with the LTL constraint, using the structure of the constraint. In doing so, it addresses the optimization challenges stemming from the sparse nature of LTL satisfaction. We evaluate CyclER in three continuous control domains. On these tasks, CyclER outperforms existing reward-shaping methods at finding performant and LTL-satisfying policies.

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