Emergent Mind


The performance of LLMs is significantly influenced by the quality of the prompts provided. In response, researchers have developed enormous prompt engineering strategies aimed at modifying the prompt text to enhance task performance. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique termed position engineering, which offers a more efficient way to guide LLMs. Unlike prompt engineering, which requires substantial effort to modify the text provided to LLMs, position engineering merely involves altering the positional information in the prompt without modifying the text itself. We have evaluated position engineering in two widely-used LLM scenarios: retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and in-context learning (ICL). Our findings show that position engineering substantially improves upon the baseline in both cases. Position engineering thus represents a promising new strategy for exploiting the capabilities of LLMs.

Position engineering strategies for Inter-Chunk Learning (ICL), highlighting the role of placeholder tokens.


  • Position engineering focuses on modifying positional indices of tokens instead of the text itself, harnessing the model's attention layers to fine-tune responses.

  • The technique introduces placeholder tokens to shift positional indices, optimizing task-specific outcomes in scenarios like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and in-context learning (ICL).

  • Experimental results indicate significant improvements in RAG with fewer documents and subtle enhancements in ICL, showcasing the effectiveness of controlled positional shifts.

  • Position engineering offers a simplistic yet efficient approach to optimize LLMs without additional computational resources, potentially influencing future NLP methodologies.

Exploring Position Engineering: A Novel Technique to Optimize Large Language Model Performance

Introduction to Position Engineering

Position engineering introduced in the study diverges from traditional prompt engineering by shifting focus from changing the semantic content of input prompts to altering the positional data of tokens within these prompts. This technique does not modify the text but instead adjusts the positional indices which are decisive in how models process information. It strategically leverages the inherent architecture of attention layers in LLMs, where positional embeddings play a critical role in token interaction dynamics, thereby proposing a rudimentary yet potent approach to fine-tuning model responses without additional computational overhead.

Methodological Overview

Positional Dynamics in LLMs

In standard LLM operations, each token's position influences how it interacts with other tokens via positional embeddings, which can be absolute or relative. The study’s approach utilizes alterations in these indices to manipulate the model's attention mechanism subtly, aiming for enhanced task-focused performance.

Implementing Position Engineering in Prompts

Position engineering operates by introducing placeholder tokens which shift regular tokens' positional indices. This mechanism allows for a controlled experiment on how adjusting relative positions impacts model outcome, particularly in structured tasks like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and in-context learning (ICL). By managing these positional shifts, researchers can directly influence which parts of the prompt are emphasized or de-emphasized, thereby optimizing the information processing capabilities of LLMs subtly and efficiently.

Experimental Setup and Results

Applications to RAG and ICL

The experiments implemented position engineering across RAG and ICL scenarios with noticeable improvements:

  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): Position engineering yielded a remarkable improvement, especially with fewer documents, where a detailed manipulation of positional indices can significantly modulate the outcome due to the higher influence of each document's position.
  • In-Context Learning (ICL): Subtle enhancements were observed, suggesting that even minimal shifts in position can impact tasks requiring nuanced comprehension and response generation based on contextual cues.

Each scenario showed different optimal arrangements of placeholders, reflecting the task-specific dynamics of attention and the models' sensitivities to positional changes.

Implications and Future Direction

The concept of position engineering uncovers a layer of optimization in model tuning that goes beyond textual content manipulation, emphasizing the nuance in positional strategies. Its primary advantage lies in its simplicity and the lack of required computational resources compared to more traditional methods that may involve extensive retraining or data augmentation.

Theoretical and Practical Relevance

Practically, this approach opens up new avenues for efficient model tuning, particularly in deployment scenarios where computational efficiency is paramount. Theoretically, it proposes intriguing questions about the fundamental workings of attention mechanisms in LLMs and how they integrate various types of information.

Future Enhancements

Future research could explore deeper integrations with other model tuning methods or develop more advanced algorithms to find optimal positional configurations more efficiently. Moreover, a broader understanding of how different models react to such changes could pave the way for more tailored applications across diverse LLM architectures.


Position engineering represents a promising shift towards more resource-efficient and potentially equally effective methodologies for enhancing the performance of LLMs. By focusing on how models perceive token positions, this technique offers a fresh perspective that complements existing strategies in NLP, holding the potential to refine our approach to model tuning significantly.

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