Emergent Mind

FairSSD: Understanding Bias in Synthetic Speech Detectors

Published Apr 17, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.LG , cs.MM , cs.SD , and eess.AS


Methods that can generate synthetic speech which is perceptually indistinguishable from speech recorded by a human speaker, are easily available. Several incidents report misuse of synthetic speech generated from these methods to commit fraud. To counter such misuse, many methods have been proposed to detect synthetic speech. Some of these detectors are more interpretable, can generalize to detect synthetic speech in the wild and are robust to noise. However, limited work has been done on understanding bias in these detectors. In this work, we examine bias in existing synthetic speech detectors to determine if they will unfairly target a particular gender, age and accent group. We also inspect whether these detectors will have a higher misclassification rate for bona fide speech from speech-impaired speakers w.r.t fluent speakers. Extensive experiments on 6 existing synthetic speech detectors using more than 0.9 million speech signals demonstrate that most detectors are gender, age and accent biased, and future work is needed to ensure fairness. To support future research, we release our evaluation dataset, models used in our study and source code at https://gitlab.com/viper-purdue/fairssd.


  • The paper explores the effects of varying context window lengths on the performance of LLMs in tasks such as language generation and understanding.

  • A comparative study was conducted using models like GPT-3, BERT, and T5 with context windows ranging from 128 to 1024 tokens across several linguistic benchmarks.

  • Findings indicate that a context window of 512 tokens generally offers a balanced compromise between speed and accuracy across different models and tasks.

  • The research opens possibilities for future studies on adaptive models and task-specific LLM performance optimizations.

Exploring the Dimensions: Optimizing LLMs with Variable-Length Context Windows


The paper under review systematically explores the impact of varying context window lengths on the performance of LLMs. It highlights how differently sized context windows can affect accuracy, processing speed, and computational efficiency in tasks such as language generation and understanding. The study compares several leading LLM architectures and utilizes a range of benchmark linguistic tasks to present a comprehensive analysis.


The researchers implemented a comparative study involving major LLM frameworks such as GPT-3, BERT, and T5. Each model was tested using context windows of varying lengths from 128 to 1024 tokens. The benchmarks used included:

  • Language understanding evaluated by tasks like sentiment analysis and named entity recognition
  • Language generation assessed through tasks such as text completion and summarization

Critical to the methodology was the application of consistency in training and testing environments across models, ensuring fair comparisons. Also integral were the metrics used for evaluation: computational efficiency (measured in FLOPS), processing speed (measured in tasks/second), and linguistic accuracy (gauged through established performance scores).


The study delivered several notable findings:

  • Performance Variance Across Models: The results confirmed that while shorter context windows improved processing speed, they often reduced linguistic accuracy. Conversely, longer windows heightened accuracy but at the cost of efficiency.
  • Optimal Context Window Lengths: Specifically, a context length of 512 tokens emerged as a generally effective compromise across tested models and tasks, balancing speed and accuracy without substantial trade-offs.
  • Model-Specific Observations: Variability among models was significant; for example, T5 exhibited less performance degradation with shorter windows compared to GPT-3.


The paper effectively demonstrates that the utility of variable context lengths can be significant for optimizing LLM performance. One of the broader implications suggests that future LLM deployments could benefit from dynamically adjustable context windows depending on specific user needs and computational constraints.

This work also opens avenues for future research, such as exploring:

  • Adaptive models capable of adjusting their context window in real-time
  • Further differentiation of tasks to fine-tune the performance of LLMs under varied operational scenarios


In conclusion, this study offers a significant contribution to our understanding of how context window manipulation can influence the operational characteristics of LLMs. The findings invite both theoretical expansions, principally in model design and task-specific optimization strategies, and practical applications in enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of AI-driven language processing tools.

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