Emergent Mind


For two strings u, v over some alphabet A, we investigate the problem of embedding u into w as a subsequence under the presence of generalised gap constraints. A generalised gap constraint is a triple (i, j, C{i, j}), where 1 <= i < j <= |u| and C{i, j} is a subset of A*. Embedding u as a subsequence into v such that (i, j, C{i, j}) is satisfied means that if u[i] and u[j] are mapped to v[k] and v[l], respectively, then the induced gap v[k + 1..l - 1] must be a string from C{i, j}. This generalises the setting recently investigated in [Day et al., ISAAC 2022], where only gap constraints of the form C{i, i + 1} are considered, as well as the setting from [Kosche et al., RP 2022], where only gap constraints of the form C{1, |u|} are considered. We show that subsequence matching under generalised gap constraints is NP-hard, and we complement this general lower bound with a thorough (parameterised) complexity analysis. Moreover, we identify several efficiently solvable subclasses that result from restricting the interval structure induced by the generalised gap constraints.

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