Emergent Mind


LLMs are susceptible to hallucination, which sparked a widespread effort to detect and prevent them. Recent work attempts to mitigate hallucinations by intervening in the model's computation during generation, using different setups and heuristics. Those works lack separation between different hallucination causes. In this work, we first introduce an approach for constructing datasets based on the model knowledge for detection and intervention methods in closed-book and open-book question-answering settings. We then characterize the effect of different choices for intervention, such as the intervened components (MLPs, attention block, residual stream, and specific heads), and how often and how strongly to intervene. We find that intervention success varies depending on the component, with some components being detrimental to language modeling capabilities. Finally, we find that interventions can benefit from pre-hallucination steering direction instead of post-hallucination. The code is available at https://github.com/technion-cs-nlp/hallucination-mitigation

Closed-book setting hallucination labeling with model generations emphasized in bold.


  • This study explore the problem of hallucinations in LLMs, where models produce incorrect or ungrounded statements, focusing on white-box intervention techniques to mitigate these errors.

  • The authors classify three types of knowledge-related hallucinations and concentrate on 'type-3' hallucinations for a targeted mitigation approach, alongside constructing specific datasets for evaluating interventions.

  • Investigations into various intervention strategies reveal the effectiveness of different model components, with a particular emphasis on the timing and dynamic versus static nature of interventions.

  • The findings suggest significant theoretical and practical implications for improving LLM reliability through the application of steering vectors and contextual understanding of intervention success.

Comprehensive Analysis of White-Box Intervention Techniques for Mitigating Hallucinations in LLMs

Introduction to the Study

In the realm of LLMs, a persistent issue is their tendency to produce incorrect or ungrounded statements, commonly referred to as hallucinations. These inaccuracies stem from a variety of causes, ranging from the model's failure to properly integrate input to discrepancies with real-world knowledge. While blackbox solutions have been explored to some extent, focusing on tweaking the model's output post-generation, there's growing interest in whitebox approaches. These involve intervening in the model's computation process to prevent hallucinations at their source. This paper presents an in-depth study of white-box intervention techniques, offering new insights into their application and effectiveness.

Hallucination Types and Dataset Construction

The authors distinguish between three types of knowledge-related hallucinations in LLMs. They focus on what they term "type-3" hallucinations, where the model possesses the correct response within its parameters but fails to generate it. Adopting this nuanced classification allows for a more targeted approach to mitigating hallucinations. The methodology for constructing hallucination-laden datasets tailored to specific models is particularly noteworthy, facilitating a more accurate evaluation of intervention techniques in both open-book and closed-book settings.

Intervention Analysis

The intervention strategies explored in this work are comprehensive, covering different model components such as MLPs, attention blocks, heads, and residuals. The authors investigate the efficacy of interventions based on the timing (pre vs. post hallucination), the component of the architecture being modified, and the use of static versus dynamic interventions. Their findings reveal several key insights:

  • Different intervention components exhibit varying degrees of effectiveness, with attention components generally providing the best balance across metrics.
  • Pre-hallucination intervention strategies, where steering vectors are applied before the answer generation, tend to be more effective and less detrimental to model performance.
  • Dynamic intervention, which tailors the intervention to each example based on the model's likelihood of hallucinating, shows promise, particularly when targeting the model's residuals.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The study's rigorous analysis sheds light on the intricacies of deploying steering vectors for hallucination mitigation in LLMs. The observed distinction between classification and generation accuracy underscores the need for a multifaceted approach to evaluating intervention success. Furthermore, the recognition of perplexity as an essential metric highlights the delicate balance between reducing hallucinations and maintaining the model's overall linguistic capabilities. The exploration of intervention strategies in both pre-trained and fine-tuned models opens up new avenues for refining LLM outputs in application-specific contexts.

Future Directions

The work sets the stage for further exploration into the potential of dynamic intervention strategies and the role of model fine-tuning in enhancing intervention outcomes. Additionally, the novel categorization of hallucinations invites future research to delve deeper into personalized intervention techniques, tailored not only to specific models but also to individual generation instances.

Concluding Remarks

This comprehensive study on white-box intervention techniques offers valuable insights into mitigating hallucinations in LLMs, marking a significant step toward more reliable and accurate natural language generation. By dissecting the factors contributing to intervention success and highlighting the importance of context-sensitive approaches, this research contributes to the ongoing development of more robust and trustworthy AI language capabilities.

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