Emergent Mind


Click-through rate (CTR) prediction plays an indispensable role in online platforms. Numerous models have been proposed to capture users' shifting preferences by leveraging user behavior sequences. However, these historical sequences often suffer from severe homogeneity and scarcity compared to the extensive item pool. Relying solely on such sequences for user representations is inherently restrictive, as user interests extend beyond the scope of items they have previously engaged with. To address this challenge, we propose a data-driven approach to enrich user representations. We recognize user profiling and recall items as two ideal data sources within the cross-stage framework, encompassing the u2u (user-to-user) and i2i (item-to-item) aspects respectively. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture named Recall-Augmented Ranking (RAR). RAR consists of two key sub-modules, which synergistically gather information from a vast pool of look-alike users and recall items, resulting in enriched user representations. Notably, RAR is orthogonal to many existing CTR models, allowing for consistent performance improvements in a plug-and-play manner. Extensive experiments are conducted, which verify the efficacy and compatibility of RAR against the SOTA methods.

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