Emergent Mind

Computable domains of a Halting Function

Published Apr 15, 2024 in cs.LO


We discuss the possibility of constructing a function that validates the definition or not definition of the partial recursive functions of one variable. This is a topic in computability theory, which was first approached by Alan M. Turing in 1936 in his foundational work "On Computable Numbers". Here we face it using the Model of computability of the recursive functions instead of the Turing's machines, but the results are transferable from one to another paradigm with ease. Recursive functions that are not defined at a given point, correspond to the Turing machines that "do not end" for a given input. What we propose Is a slight slip from the orthodox point of view: the issue of the self-reference and of the self-validation is not an impediment in imperative languages.

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