Emergent Mind

Algorithm xxx: Faster Randomized SVD with Dynamic Shifts

Published Apr 14, 2024 in cs.MS , cs.NA , and math.NA


Aiming to provide a faster and convenient truncated SVD algorithm for large sparse matrices from real applications (i.e. for computing a few of largest singular values and the corresponding singular vectors), a dynamically shifted power iteration technique is applied to improve the accuracy of the randomized SVD method. This results in a dynamic shifts based randomized SVD (dashSVD) algorithm, which also collaborates with the skills for handling sparse matrices. An accuracy-control mechanism is included in the dashSVD algorithm to approximately monitor the per vector error bound of computed singular vectors with negligible overhead. Experiments on real-world data validate that the dashSVD algorithm largely improves the accuracy of randomized SVD algorithm or attains same accuracy with fewer passes over the matrix, and provides an efficient accuracy-control mechanism to the randomized SVD computation, while demonstrating the advantages on runtime and parallel efficiency. A bound of the approximation error of the randomized SVD with the shifted power iteration is also proved.

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