Emergent Mind

Data-Driven Preference Sampling for Pareto Front Learning

Published Apr 12, 2024 in cs.LG


Pareto front learning is a technique that introduces preference vectors in a neural network to approximate the Pareto front. Previous Pareto front learning methods have demonstrated high performance in approximating simple Pareto fronts. These methods often sample preference vectors from a fixed Dirichlet distribution. However, no fixed sampling distribution can be adapted to diverse Pareto fronts. Efficiently sampling preference vectors and accurately estimating the Pareto front is a challenge. To address this challenge, we propose a data-driven preference vector sampling framework for Pareto front learning. We utilize the posterior information of the objective functions to adjust the parameters of the sampling distribution flexibly. In this manner, the proposed method can sample preference vectors from the location of the Pareto front with a high probability. Moreover, we design the distribution of the preference vector as a mixture of Dirichlet distributions to improve the performance of the model in disconnected Pareto fronts. Extensive experiments validate the superiority of the proposed method compared with state-of-the-art algorithms.

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