Emergent Mind


MLaaS (Machine Learning as a Service) has become popular in the cloud computing domain, allowing users to leverage cloud resources for running private inference of ML models on their data. However, ensuring user input privacy and secure inference execution is essential. One of the approaches to protect data privacy and integrity is to use Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) by enabling execution of programs in secure hardware enclave. Using TEEs can introduce significant performance overhead due to the additional layers of encryption, decryption, security and integrity checks. This can lead to slower inference times compared to running on unprotected hardware. In our work, we enhance the runtime performance of ML models by introducing layer partitioning technique and offloading computations to GPU. The technique comprises two distinct partitions: one executed within the TEE, and the other carried out using a GPU accelerator. Layer partitioning exposes intermediate feature maps in the clear which can lead to reconstruction attacks to recover the input. We conduct experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in protecting against input reconstruction attacks developed using trained conditional Generative Adversarial Network(c-GAN). The evaluation is performed on widely used models such as VGG-16, ResNet-50, and EfficientNetB0, using two datasets: ImageNet for Image classification and TON IoT dataset for cybersecurity attack detection.

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