Emergent Mind


The application of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to multi-objective optimization problems has been widespread. However, the EA research community has not paid much attention to large-scale multi-objective optimization problems arising from real-world applications. Especially, Food-Energy-Water systems are intricately linked among food, energy and water that impact each other. They usually involve a huge number of decision variables and many conflicting objectives to be optimized. Solving their related optimization problems is essentially important to sustain the high-quality life of human beings. Their solution space size expands exponentially with the number of decision variables. Searching in such a vast space is challenging because of such large numbers of decision variables and objective functions. In recent years, a number of large-scale many-objectives optimization evolutionary algorithms have been proposed. In this paper, we solve a Food-Energy-Water optimization problem by using the state-of-art intelligent optimization methods and compare their performance. Our results conclude that the algorithm based on an inverse model outperforms the others. This work should be highly useful for practitioners to select the most suitable method for their particular large-scale engineering optimization problems.

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