Emergent Mind

QueSTMaps: Queryable Semantic Topological Maps for 3D Scene Understanding

Published Apr 9, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.RO


Understanding the structural organisation of 3D indoor scenes in terms of rooms is often accomplished via floorplan extraction. Robotic tasks such as planning and navigation require a semantic understanding of the scene as well. This is typically achieved via object-level semantic segmentation. However, such methods struggle to segment out topological regions like "kitchen" in the scene. In this work, we introduce a two-step pipeline. First, we extract a topological map, i.e., floorplan of the indoor scene using a novel multi-channel occupancy representation. Then, we generate CLIP-aligned features and semantic labels for every room instance based on the objects it contains using a self-attention transformer. Our language-topology alignment supports natural language querying, e.g., a "place to cook" locates the "kitchen". We outperform the current state-of-the-art on room segmentation by ~20% and room classification by ~12%. Our detailed qualitative analysis and ablation studies provide insights into the problem of joint structural and semantic 3D scene understanding.

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