Emergent Mind

Monoidal Context Theory

Published Apr 9, 2024 in math.CT and cs.LO


We universally characterize the produoidal category of monoidal lenses over a monoidal category. In the same way that each category induces a cofree promonoidal category of spliced arrows, each monoidal category induces a cofree produoidal category of monoidal spliced arrows; monoidal lenses are the free normalization of the cofree produoidal category of monoidal spliced arrows. We apply the characterization of symmetric monoidal lenses to the analysis of multi-party message-passing protocols. We introduce a minimalistic axiomatization of message passing -- message theories -- and we construct combinatorially the free message theory over a set. Symmetric monoidal lenses are the derivations of the free message theory over a symmetric monoidal category.

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