Emergent Mind


We propose a framework for learned image and video compression using the generative sparse visual representation (SVR) guided by fidelity-preserving controls. By embedding inputs into a discrete latent space spanned by learned visual codebooks, SVR-based compression transmits integer codeword indices, which is efficient and cross-platform robust. However, high-quality (HQ) reconstruction in the decoder relies on intermediate feature inputs from the encoder via direct connections. Due to the prohibitively high transmission costs, previous SVR-based compression methods remove such feature links, resulting in largely degraded reconstruction quality. In this work, we treat the intermediate features as fidelity-preserving control signals that guide the conditioned generative reconstruction in the decoder. Instead of discarding or directly transferring such signals, we draw them from a low-quality (LQ) fidelity-preserving alternative input that is sent to the decoder with very low bitrate. These control signals provide complementary fidelity cues to improve reconstruction, and their quality is determined by the compression rate of the LQ alternative, which can be tuned to trade off bitrate, fidelity and perceptual quality. Our framework can be conveniently used for both learned image compression (LIC) and learned video compression (LVC). Since SVR is robust against input perturbations, a large portion of codeword indices between adjacent frames can be the same. By only transferring different indices, SVR-based LIC and LVC can share a similar processing pipeline. Experiments over standard image and video compression benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

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