Emergent Mind


Condition monitoring of industrial systems is crucial for ensuring safety and maintenance planning, yet notable challenges arise in real-world settings due to the limited or non-existent availability of fault samples. This paper introduces an innovative solution to this problem by proposing a new method for fault detection and condition monitoring for unseen data. Adopting an approach inspired by zero-shot learning, our method can identify faults and assign a relative health index to various operational conditions. Typically, we have plenty of data on normal operations, some data on compromised conditions, and very few (if any) samples of severe faults. We use a variational autoencoder to capture the probabilistic distribution of previously seen and new unseen conditions. The health status is determined by comparing each sample's deviation from a normal operation reference distribution in the latent space. Faults are detected by establishing a threshold for the health indexes, allowing the model to identify severe, unseen faults with high accuracy, even amidst noise. We validate our approach using the run-to-failure IMS-bearing dataset and compare it with other methods. The health indexes generated by our model closely match the established descriptive model of bearing wear, attesting to the robustness and reliability of our method. These findings highlight the potential of our methodology in augmenting fault detection capabilities within industrial domains, thereby contributing to heightened safety protocols and optimized maintenance practices.

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